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"Happy, Happy Birthday. May all your dreams come true! Happy, Happy Birthday. From your friends to you! Hey!" The airplane attendants shout as they wheel a cart carrying a classic birthday cake towards the zoned out red head.

"Aw, you guys. You didn't have to do this for me." Eiji flushes, turning bright red as Mitsuki grins with her camera out.

"It was Katsuki's idea. He wants this to be the best birthday you've ever had." She smiles, snapping a quick photo of the cake.

Turning towards her boyfriend, she smiles before a finger lightly taps her nose; leaving a dab of frosting on it as she pout. "Thanks Kat!"

"Yeah, yeah. Don't mention it. Now what do you want to do first once we're in New York?" He rolls his eyes as he hands her the brochure.

"Um... can we go to the Sugar Factory and then see the Statue of Liberty?" She begs as he places a hand on her stomach. "What?"

"Nutrition. I'm not going to let you get sick from sugar and shit. We can go see the statue, but I'll choose the restaurant. Okay?" He suggests as she nods. "Good, because I already made a reservation."

"For all of us? Aw man, this is gonna be-!" Denki starts to cheer before Mitsuki chuckles.

"Uh no, he made a reservation for just the two of them. These trips are to be used as dates for them. We'll join them in a bit, but we'll be eating somewhere else." She instructs as half the group whines. "Oh, so I'm guessing none of you want to go to Insomnia."

"Never mind, I take it back. This is awesome!" Denki and Mina begin cheering as the rest of the group engage in conversation.

"Are we going to the appointment? You made it for today right?" Eiji whispers as the blond nods his head. "What time?"

"As soon as we land, I have a car waiting to take us there. I asked the nerd and Pinky to handle our bags."


After approximately 12 hours, the group takes their luggage and heads to the cars there for their pickup. A separate car arrives for the couple as they sit in the back, looking at their surroundings through the window.

Around an hour later, they arrive at a pristine, egg white colored building with accents of blue and green. The glass doors slide open as a bell chimes off, alerting the staff of newcomers.

"Hello. Do you speak English?" The nurse questions off the bat as Eiji turns to Katsuki, not understanding what the people are saying.

"I do. She doesn't. We are here for a pregnancy check up with a Dr.Dalia Lopez." He speaks fluently as the nurse dials an extension, waiting for an answer.

"Hi yes. I have a Mr.Katsuki Bakugo and Ms.Eiji Kirishima here from Mustafa, Japan for a check on pregnancy with you. Uh huh. Ok." The nurse covers the bottom portion of the landline, smiling at the couple. "Ok, head on up to the pregnancy ward. Just take the elevator to room 342. Dr.Lopez shall be with you shortly."

"Thank you." Katsuki bows as Eiji follows along, being as polite as she can without understanding their conversation. "Ei, we have to take the elevators. Come on."

The red head nods, waving at the nurse who waved back brightly. "Uh what's the name of the doctor?"

"Don't worry dear. I speak Japanese. I've worked closely with the Bakugo household for years. But this is the first time I've dealt with someone not carrying the name..." A voice interrupts their conversation as she jumps in fear. "Oh so sorry. Didn't mean to stress you out. Luckily you're still in the early phases of pregnancy."

"Ah, Dr.Dalia. Nice to see you again." Katsuki rolls his eyes as the lady pats his back with a hum. "This is my soon-to-be fiancé, Eiji. Get used to me calling you that. This is Dr.Dalia. Dr.Lopez is another doctor in the building, so she doesn't like to confuse patients."

"Pleasure meeting you. Now assuming that since you two are getting married, the little one inside you is a Bakugo. Oh goodie! Well, follow me." She steps off the elevator, leading them down a hallway to room 342. "Change into this nightgown. I'll do an ultrasound to check the progress, do some blood work. All I ask is if you're allergic to any medication or foods?"

"Um, I'm allergic to peanut butter." She shrugs as Dalia writes it down before adding it to her list. "I think that's it."

"Alright. Sit tight."


After all the test and a heartwarming sight of Katsuki passing out once seeing the developing zygote, the two leave the hospital to adventure out into New York City.


Sorry for the long period in between updates AKA the three-four months apart. Been focusing on other things. So how's life?

~Shadow Out!🌑

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