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Gathering the hair supplies, Katsuki washes his hands as Fai sits in a dining room chair in the kitchen.

"Why aren't we doing this in the bathroom?" Fai questions as he swings his legs, looking around the house in awe. "Won't the kitchen get dirty?"

"We have cleaners come over regularly, so it isn't a problem at all. Now, what kind of hairstyle do you want?" Katsuki questions, smiling at the kid as he bites his lip.

"I want an undercut. I still want my hair to be long enough to put in a bun, but I want an undercut to show off the back of my neck." Fai blushes, twirling a long piece of his hair; flustered that he's finally getting what he dreamed about since he was 7.

"Alright. I'll start with a trim and then I'll move into sectioning the part you want shaven. Is that okay?" The blonde suggests as the little boy nods his head quickly. "Good. Now how old are you Fai?"

"I'm 12. Well, me and Enkai are 12. We were born on the same day. Ma's egg was lucky with us." He smiles weakly as Katsuki slows his planning to listen better. "Mio always jokes about how despite being surrogate kids, we were always so alike. That she values me and Enkai like we are her golden kids."

"What about Eiji?" Katsuki whispers as Fai's green eyes shimmers with tears.

"Eiji wasn't a surrogate kid. Before Ma realized that she loves women, she fell in love with Eiji's birth dad. He was a strong guy and he did some bad things. Apparently it was so bad that he had to be locked away forever and Eiji feels guilty that she couldn't do anything to stop it." Fai explains as he slumps in the chair. "She even wrote him some letters and had them sent through our lawyer because of the restraining order that Mio got her."

"Restraining order? What happened for that to be installed?" The blonde's face pales as the kid shrugs, bouncing back up with a small smile.

"I wouldn't know. They don't really speak about it in detail, but that was 6 years ago. Some nasty things were said before Eiji moved on campus and we haven't heard from her since." Fai smiles sadly. "I hope you've been taking care of her. I really missed her."

"Well... I was actually the one who encouraged her to call you guys. I had no idea why she was avoiding you all." Katsuki sighs, clipping the larger section of his hair; readying the clippers. "Hold still for me, Fai."

"Thank you for telling her to call us. She's been avoiding Mio. Ever since Ma got engaged, Mio's been doing shady things with Eiji. Like one time, Mio was caught shifting through Eiji's underwear drawer and another time, she was reading her diary." Fai explains as he grimaces. "She said she was looking for proof that she was being rebellious, but she had nothing. So Eiji told her off and Mio pulled the 'mom' card; grounding her for a month for no reason."

"Yeesh, now I know why she never called."

"Yeah, but speaking of Ei... where is she?"


Staring at the box on the dresser, Eiji slowly picks it up; unboxing its contents as she gulps. Pulling the white stick and small cup from out of it, she drops the instructions by accident before bending down to pick it up. "O.... Okay.... You can do this, Ei. It's probably nothing, right?"

She chuckles crazily to herself as she shakily stands up before walking over to the toilet. She removes her lower body clothing to prepare herself to use to toilet while holding the cup to her urethra.

Peeing into the cup, she closes her eyes to stop the tears from the pressure of having to take the test; removing the cup and placing it on the counter. She places the stick in the liquid before wiping and washing her hands. "Now to wait 5 minutes..."

"Eiji! You done in there? We were just about to share some gossip!" Mina's voice shouts from the other side, startling her as she bites her lip.

"U-uh, I'm coming! I'll be right there!" She replies, opting to just leave the cup on the counter. Entering the room, she's met with a circle of girls on the floor as they all smile at her. "So, what's up?"

"What's up is that you and Bakugo are together and that you did the do. How naughty~!" Mina giggles as the others join in, Izuku feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Why am I here again?" Izuku questions as Mina pats his back.

"You're the female in your relationship."

"I'm a boy?"

"You got fucked by Todoroki, okay? Stop arguing."

The green haired boy shuts his mouth as his face flushes red. "Who told you that?!?"

"Wait! That's true?! I was just joking! Give us the details!" Mina shouts in alarm as Izuku's jaw drops before he clears his throat.

"We're here to talk about Kacchan and Kiri-chan, not me and Shoto. So! How did it happen?"

A timer goes off as Eiji gets ready to answer, signaling that she should go check on her test. "Oh! I have to do something real quick. Should only take a second!"

"Alright! I'll be counting! If it's more than 5 seconds, I'm coming!" Mina shouts as Eiji leaves the room to enter the bathroom once more.

Closing the door, she lifts the test from the cup as she pours the contents out into the toilet as she closes her eyes. "3...2...1-!"

The doors open as she opens her eyes, revealing two pink lines. "Eiji, Momo needs to pee-! Huh?"

Tears comes to her eyes as she drops the test to the floor; shocked to her core as she trips and falls. "No..."


The thump from upstairs vibrates through the floor, causing the ceiling to shake a bit as Katsuki looks up in confusion. "What was that?"

"Probably the girls being weird. Yo, you have any G-fuel? I'm on level 94-1 and I don't want to lose my streak." Denki shouts from the living room as Hanta rolls his weed.

"Under the couch arm, Dunce Face. Why the frick don't you get up and check on your girlfriend?"

"Her girlfriend has her. It's cool. Perks of an open relationship." He smirks, giving a thumbs up as his character dies. "Aw man..."

"How bout you, IcyHot? Check on your boy toy." The blonde suggests as Shoto shrugs.

"Izuku's capable of doing many things on his own. I don't need to be there for him all the time." Shoto shrugs before turning to Denki. "How did you propose the idea of an open relationship?"

"Oh, I didn't. Hitoshi asked me out and Momo asked Kyoka out. Then I spoke to Kyoka about it and we agreed to have other partners. Why? You interested in joining?" Denki wiggles his eyebrows as Shoto shakes his head.

"All the contrary. I want to propose to Izuku and have another pair join us. I heard that Ochaco likes him as well as Asui. It might be fun." He gives a small smile as Denki's eyes widen.

"You want to share him?!"


Not what you asked for, but I have a reason!

I don't like huge jump cuts. A week would have been fine, but I wanted to write a scene for the haircut and the test. The party is a whole different challenge to tackle. I'll get to writing it soon!

~Shadow Out!🌑

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