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The birth was treacherous and downright terrifying. Eiji stood up, without an epidural mind you, pushing hard for about 3 hours with only water and her fiance's hand. The midwife assisted in breathing exercises, helping the woman to feel less cramping by focusing on something else. 

Once the head appeared, all hell broke loose. Katsuki didn't faint, no. He vomited into a large garbage bag that was provided to him by the hospital staff; drinking the water they've provided him. Mitsuki, who was the one on standby, entered the room; laughing at her son who glared at her out the side of his eye as he fans himself with his hand. "You're a pussy, you know that?"

"Shut the fuck up, no one ever tells you how weird it is..." The blonde trails off, seeing the rest of the slimy human slide out of Eiji; being handed to the redhead who stares at the little ball of baby that cries out for the first time in its life. The umbilical core gets snipped and tied off, solidifying the separation of mother and child. "She's beautiful..."

"Eiji or the baby?" 

"Both, you witch." The blonde scoffs, standing up and walking over to Eiji who grins at him brightly. "Are we naming her...?"

"Yeah, she's so cute. She looks like you..." Eiji chuckles tiredly, running a hand over the slimy blonde hair atop the baby's head. "I thought she'd get black or brown hair for sure..."

"The blonde in our family is strong, Eiji."

"Sir, come with me. We need the information to put into the system." A nurse questions as the blonde nods, kissing Eiji on the head as the doctor takes the baby out of her hands to clean her off. 


"Meisuki... aw, you kept the -suki from our name, that's so sweet. Whose idea was it?" Mitsuki questions, sitting by the hospital bed Eiji laid on while she was cuddling her baby. 

"It was mine. I don't have a namesake in my family, so I thought it would be nice to continue yours. Bakugo Meisuki. I can't wait to tell my dad..."

"We won't have to wait... Our wedding is in a few days, so we'll be able to show him the baby in person soon anyway."


After three more days in the hospital, the family was released to finish up last-minute wedding preparations, discussing little decoration disputes and other small issues. Finally, the day arrived.

Mitsuki was put in charge of little Meisuki, who didn't put up a fuss as Eiji walked down the aisle in her eggwhite ball gown with golden accents. Her hair was adorned in Greece-like accessories as her father walked her. His grin was bright as he was a newly freed man. The correct man was placed in prison and the state awarded him millions to make up for his wrongful imprisonment.

Co-parenting with the newly divorced Ichiro was going to be a struggle, but he promised to help her regain her confidence as her friend. Speaking of which, she sat in the crowd with a fully transitioned Fai and Enkai who were both in matching suits; looking as cute as ever.  

Handing her over, Eiji smiles at a tearful Katsuki who sniffles a bit as she laughs. "Is the tough Katsuki crying?"

"Shut the hell up, you're fucking gorgeous. It's not fair, we could have been married if your ass wasn't so oblivious." He snarls, wiping his tears with the back of his hand as the crowd laughs at them. 

"If you would've confessed sooner, we could have had all of this. So really, this is your fault. But it's ok. I'm with you now and I don't plan on leaving." Eiji smiles as the officiant begins their speech in uniting the couple.

After the quick and easy vows since both parties didn't feel like writing down their most intimate thoughts to share in front of their family members, the couple kissed as rice got thrown at the two. 

Life was simple for the Bakugos. A lot of ups and downs, but they got through it. 


Yeah, so I've ended this book. Whoops! Hope you've enjoyed it!

~Shadow Out!🌑

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