🦃What They're Thankful For🦃

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My lazy ass came up with this.

Pein's thankful for you not giving him a headache. As well as taking his philosophy lessons serious.

Konan's very appreciative for you giving her the experience of being a mother, even if you're not her daughter.

But, you made it realistic for her, and as long as she lives, she'll be thankful for it.

Sort of being a replacement for Sasuke.

Oh, also the dango you gave him.

Having a bond with him, since no one else would.

Laughing at his jokes.

Like Pein, you don't give him a headache.

Also, you're a worthy opponent to play against during a card game.

Appreciating his art.

Also appreciating his art, and not annoying him.
Happy Thanksgiving, I would normally say enjoy, but tbh if I was a reader I would be reading this like wtf is this bum ass author doing

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