Thank You and Goodbye.(Sorta)

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Some of you may notice this book description says discontinued, and truth is...

I'm announcing it being discontinued.

Please, do not be sad or angry with me.

I'm sure there's other Akatsuki scenarios similar to mine's. Hell, even better than mine's!

I'm discontinuing because I'm not stanning the Akatsuki anymore (I stopped a while ago anyways)

Besides, my writing skills are kinda going down.

I recently got back in the game 'Dead by Daylight' (it's good, play it) and been tempting to make a book for it, and I WAS NOT satisfied with my work.

I'm sure y'all can tell my skills changed too, there's no doubting it. The beginning was very creative and now down the list is just...yikes.

But maybe, MAYBE, I'll hop back on this book to complete it.

It triggers me how the April Fool's "chapter" is right before the discontinued note.

Also it's weird how this book turns 1 years old next month...wonder what scenario I would've posted if I had motivation in me.

I honestly have a lot to say but y'all not gonna stick around reading this dumb bullshit...I know I wouldn't if I was the reader.

This book was truly fun to do...mostly, once again, due to the fact there is hardly any other Akatsuki scenario book with a child reader who isn't biologically related to a member...

But it was also successful, because you guys supported my work. Specifically all the goofy ass comments.

I am discontinuing this book at 68.5k reads. I'm sure this book will continue to keep growing unlike my short ass.

Those who are considering to become an author and work on a book like this, please do consider it, no force.

It's an amazing experience with a few downsides, but that just takes it away!

I'm really not one to say an emotional thanks to multiple people, so Uhhh, I'm not uninstalling Wattoad, so if you have questions feel free to ask

Even if it has nothing to do with this book, go ahead.

Thank you for choosing this book until the end, and I hope to wonder back here sometime when I feel it...

Will never forget y'all 💙

Now here's a guinea pic to make you smile

Akatsuki x Female Teen Reader Scenarios(2020)Where stories live. Discover now