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This is probably the most chaotic audition I've seen in my whole life. The executives of the series are now having something that I cannot describe as a conversation because they are not making sense at this moment.

The production already sent the news to some news outlet about Gun being paired with Tay in the series. Well, they could have at least made sure first that Gun is going to play the role before sending the scoop. He didn't even managed to step inside this studio.

While the executives are trying to contact Gun and his manager, the applicants on the other hand seem lost with what is happening.

"So, is the show canceled or what?" Mild ask. Poor her, she was about to perform an audition piece for a side role when the staff who I heard shouting earlier in the comfort room dropped the bomb.

"I don't know. But at this juncture, they need to stop the media outlets first with releasing the news about Tay being paired with Gun before social media go crazy." I looked at Tay and at this moment, he is just browsing on his iPad while listening to music, I guess.

I cannot read what is going on his mind at this very moment but with this impending controversy, I just hope he'll be okay.

In the industry, an actor will only trend because of three things. It's either because of a controversy, a new series or dating rumors.

I don't really consider dating someone as controversy because hello, we're humans and there's nothing wrong with a celebrity dating. It's their right to choose who they want to spend some intimate time with whether the fans will like it or not. Also, controversy corresponds for an apology and no one should be apologizing for loving or liking someone.

Now with regards to Tay's situation, is this a controversial news? I mean we cannot blame Tay if Gun want's to tap out from the series. Will he release a statement about it? I don't think he needs to because it is the production's fault if the news will broke out.

"Sir, it is already trending at number eight on Twitter," one of the staff reported.

I did not notice Tay is looking at me directly. I then snapped back to reality when our eyes met. I just realized that I was staring at him while thinking of what could be the possible outcome of this fiasco. I then immediately tried to pretend that nothing happened and joined back to Mild and Jumpol's conversation.

What were you thinking, New? Why were you looking at him like a concerned person or something. Mild then opened her Twitter to see what is going on. This is where it gets out of hand. When people starts to assume things.

"How did the news broke out? Who released the rumor?" The guy who's shouting in the comfort room ironically asked.

He was shouting his heart out earlier. For sure there are people who heard his voice outside and spilled the news on social media.

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