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My new favorite chapter.



I slept early last night which is why as early as six in the morning, I am already awake. Mom told me to fix some of my things that I will bring to US since weeks from now, we are flying to the Big Apple to pursue my Master's.

My room is so big that I think it will take me at least three hours to search everything here. Since I will be living in the US for two years, my parents asked me to bring some important documents as well such as my diplomas, school records and even report cards if necessary. I am sure I hid my school records somewhere deep in the closet.

But I guess the real reason why it will take me hours to search is because I kept pausing every time I see some things from the past like scrapbooks, stationaries, pictures, memorable school projects that I kept because there's sentimental value to it and many more.

I heard a knock on my door. "Newwiee, are you read- what is going on here?" Mild's voice echoed in surprise.

"I am digging up some things from the closet. Looking for my school records and diplomas."

"You do know that you can ask your previous schools for that kind of records, right? Instead of burying yourself with this pile of items from your closet." She sat on my bed, turning every page of scrapbook that I did way back in elementary.

"Yeah, I did realize that when I was already one hour deep from decluttering my closet. Why don't you help me instead?"

"Okay," she affirmed. I brought out a big box and told her to browse through it while I look on the other box inside.

The amount of dirt inside this closet is making my skin itchy. I need to moisturize my skin afterwards because I don't want to scratch my arms and legs afterwards.

Thankfully, I found a folder containing school records, awards, recognition and my elementary and high school diploma all in one big file envelop. I knew it is hidden here somewhere.

I turned on the vacuum cleaner and cleaned the dust inside. I also wipe every inch of the closet so that it will be spooky cleaned. I moved the boxes that I brought out earlier back inside. I already skim through all of that and there's nothing important there. Mild is just sitting on the bed, legs crossed. She is looking at some pictures from an old photobook.

When I'm done, I told Mild I will just take a bath. After I finished, I put moisturizer first on my face before putting a body moisturizer. While waiting for it to sink in through my skin, I put sunscreen on my face and spread it even through my neck. The last one is sunscreen for my body such as legs and arms to maintain my skin complexion even though I will be wearing pants.

You know UV rays can pass through on any fabrics, even jeans.

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