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Hi guys~ I just want to apologize because I read some comments about my story having not much romance. I admit, I may overlook that part but to be honest, I have no intention before to make this like a full romantic fic. I really want to challenge myself on going outside on that zone and create something that revolves around mystery etc.

I want to know your complete honest opinion. Is it too boring already because I am focused on being too personal with Tay and New's own life? Let me know so I can make up with you all. 

Thank you and enjoy~


Because the doctor said that I should avoid any unnecessary stress, I slept peacefully last night. I pretended that I did not see what Tay said.

"He knows my childhood nickname, Mild. Other than my family, no one else knows about that name." I exclaimed while digging in to my closet for my outfit today. I never used that nickname ever since because it sounds too lovely for me.

"Maybe your parents mentioned it once when they are having dinner. You're just overthinking things, Newwiee."

I stopped with what I am doing and looked at Mild who's fixing her makeup in front of the mirror. "You think so?"

"If you want to celebrate New Year's Day in the hospital, you can think about it all day you want. But if you want to live a normal life and do something to stop your demise, then just forget about it, drive your way here, and pick me up now." She said in a cold manner.

I know that she is just worried about me but I guess it's too early for her to scold me and she has no energy yet to do that.

I can't look at myself in front of the mirror since I was discharge because I don't think it's no good to do so and it will not help me at all to keep positive for the week. So, I've been avoiding looking at the mirror every time I am going out of the bathroom.

After changing my outfit, I immediately went straight to the garage to pick up Mild since our call time today is at nine and it is already eight twenty. I just hope that there will be no traffic around MGM area.

I am waiting for Mild to go out of her room when suddenly, she walked down as if she is in a fairy tale story. She is feeling herself wearing a pink lacey dress which actually suits her. I am used to her wearing jeans and shirts which is why this is like a breath of fresh air for me. I haven't seen this version of Mild for years.

Today is a very special day for her, I guess.

"You looked gorgeous, huh." I complimented her, trying to not rain on her parade. If I don't have any idea about the occasion today, I might tease her to death with this outfit of hers. But I'll be a good friend to her today.

I Belong to You EverydayOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant