Chapter 18

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Luke's POV

I didn't do much when I came home. Just went to my room and laid in my bed. I'm not sure if I should be angry, upset, or confused. When I saw Mikey and the guy I just lost in and had to get out of there before I did something I regretted. Now that I think about it I do think that I over reacted a little bit, but it was just the spur of the moment and that's the first thing that I thought of doing. Now I'm here and I don't even know where Mikey, or Ash or Cal are. My first thought is that they are somewhere together, but knowing Mikey he could have gone somewhere by himself.

I heard my phone ring from my dresser on the other side of my room. The first thing I did was jump up from my bed and answer it. I didn't bother to look at the caller I.D and pushed the answer button bringing it up to my ear.


"Luke." Ashton said. He didn't sound very happy.

"Ashton?" I asked.

"It's Mikey." He told me. I felt my heart begin to race at the thought of something bad happening to Mikey.

"Ashton, what happened?" I asked

"He was drunk. He was on the ground outside sobbing and he kept mumbling things but it was hard to understand from the crying. Then he just got up and started to run off and now Cal and I can't find him." He explained.

"What the fuck. This is all my fault." I snapped. Of course I had to fuck things up

"Luke, he didn't purposely do anything with that guy. The guy tried to convince him to get away but he wouldn't listen." Ashton told me. Yeah thanks Ashton I know that now.

"I need to go find him." I said. I grabbed my keys as fast as I could and got on my way real quick.

"We are going to look too. Three pairs of eyes are better than one." Ashton said.

"Okay well I'm going to go, bye." I told him. I hung up them began to look, I hope to god I can find it.

(A/N: I'm going to skip all the looking because I don't know what to write for it)

"Fuck." I shouted. I punched my steering wheel and let out a long frustrating breath. I've been driving around town for 3 hours, it was now passed midnight and I still haven't found Mikey. I don't want to think that anything bad happened to him, if something happened I would never forgive myself for leaving him. I felt my eyes start to burn and soon I started to cry, which I didn't stop myself. No one was around so I didn't care right now. I looked down at my phone and found Ashton's contact, I clicked the call button and brought the phone to my ear.

"Luke?" Ashton asked

"Ash, I can't find him." I choked.

"Us either." He sighed. I let out a choked sob and laid my head on my steering wheel.

"Did you try checking his house?" I heard Calum ask. Yes about 3 times.

"His mom says he never came home." I told them. "What if something bad happened to him? I could never live with myself if so. This is all my god damn fault." I cried out. I was now full on sobbing and I don't know if I could stop myself.

"Luke, it's not your fault please calm down, we will find him." Ashton pleaded.

"Oh yeah and what if we don't find him?" I asked.

"We will, we won't stop looking until we've found him." Calum told me. I sighed and attempted to calm myself down, which didn't work much.

"Where else could we look?" I wondered. I heard a sigh come from the other side of the phone then silence. I guess they don't know where to go either.

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