Chapter 1

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Luke's POV

I could hear low whimpers and cries for help coming from the Ally I was walking through. You would think there were two people having sex back there, but it sounded like there was only one person. The further I got into the ally, the louder the whimpers got, and the more curious I became. When I got to the end of the ally I saw three guys crouched down hitting and kicking someone sitting in the corner who was curled up in a ball trying to shield themselves from their attackers.

"Hey." I shouted. The guys immediately stopped and froze in their spots "What are you doing?" I shouted. They all began running from the alley and I snorted at how easily I stopped them


I directed my attention back to the person in the corner. They still sat in the corner in the ball with small whimpers coming their mouth.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked softly. They didn't answer and I sighed stepping closer to see who the person was. They reminded me of someone, but I just couldn't figure out who. Their black skinny jeans and over sized hoodie, along with their pink hair that stuck up in some places. Looking at their hair immediately made me think of Michael. Wait a minute... My eye went wide and my heart began to race as I look back at the figure in the corner.

            "Mikey." I whispered crouching down in front of him. When he looked up at me I gasped. It was dark, but I could see his face clearly. There was a big cut above his forehead, his lip was split opened, and there was blood running from his nose.          

 "Why would they do this?" I asked again                                                                   

"I don't know Luke." He stammered. He seemed like he was holding whatever the reason was back but I decided to let it go. I heard him sniffle a few times and realized he had been crying                                                                                                

"Hey, Mikey you're okay now please don't cry." He squeezed his eyes shut attempting to stop crying but only made more tears fall.                                                

"Come on let's go to my house and get you cleaned up." I suggested holding my hand out for him. He accepted my offer but when he got up and put weight on his leg he whimpered and grabbed onto my shoulder for support.                                        

"What happened Mikey, What hurts?" I rushed out worried

"I'm okay Luke, those guys just kicked me in some places and it hurt. I'll be fine" He explained shrugging. I ignored his protest and turn around and bent over and turned my head to look at him over my shoulder

"Get on." I demanded

"Are you insane Luke? I'm too heavy to be carried." he said leaning back against the alley wall

"Get on." I said again this time more stern.

He sighed before jumping onto my back and wrapping his arms around my neck. He wrapped his legs securely around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder.

"See it probably feels like your carrying multiple bags of bricks on your back" He whispered, sending chills down my spine leaving me shocked.

"Shut up Mikey you're not heavy at all. Now let's go, I want to fix you up and then go find the bastards who hurt you."

            We were now in my house, Mikey sitting on top of the counter with me in between his legs and pulling out all the things I needed to help him

"This is probably going to hurt like hell at first, but once I get it on there you will be fine." I explained pouring some peroxide onto a cotton ball. I began to run the cotton over his cut only to hear a loud hiss and feel a hand grip onto my wrist.

"Luke, that really stings." He whined shaking his head telling me that he wanted me to stop

"I told you it would." I said chuckling

"Just stop and let it get infected." He decided pulling my hand away from his face

"Shut up Mikey you're almost finished." I brought the cotton back up to his cut and began to rub once again. He hissed again but this time he didn't stop me, he just continued to sit on my counter and let me fix him.

"Okay we are finished, see that wasn't so hard" I said putting my first aid kit away

"I like when you doctor me Luke" He blurted out not realizing what he was saying. He quickly looked away blushing before I could see the red spread across his cheek, even though I did.

"Do you now" I smirked still in between his legs.

"Yeah" he whispered looking up into my eyes.

 He broke eye contact and looked away shaking his head before looking back at me. It may seem weird for Mikey and I to be this close, but we have been friends since we were babies. We've seen each other naked, so there's no harm in being as close as we are.

"Hey Luke." He asked

"Yeah Mikey."

"Do you mind if I stayed here tonight? I rather not be home when my mom has her company over." He wondered

"Mikey you know you don't have to ask, you're welcome to stay here whenever you want." I smiled up at him.

"Awesome, I'm just going to run back to my place to get some things for tonight." He jumped down off the counter and began walking slowly toward the door, careful to not put too much weight on his ankles.

"Mikey." I interrupted before he left

"Hmmm." He asked turning around

"There are clothes from my room." I said pointing towards my bedroom door.

"Thanks Luke." He smiled and limped towards my room

"Don't keep me waiting." I demanded

"Oh Luke I would never." He pouted like a girl before entering my room.

 I laughed before walking out into my family room and plopping down on my couch waiting for Mikey to finish up. This night should be fun. 

When Our Lips Met (Muke)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz