Chapter 14 (Rewritten and edited)

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chapter 14

Mikey’s POV

Luke and I had decided to go to bed a few hours ago. Luke is a heavy sleeper and he was out pretty fast once his head hit the pillow. As for me, I’ve been awake for the past few hours. I’ve just got too much on my mind to sleep. I turned over to Luke and laid my arm over his stomach. He looked peaceful, he was so cute, beautiful even. It makes me wonder why he chooses to be with someone like me. He could just do so much better, he could get any guy he wanted. I’m just some fat, ugly, teenager who he probably just pities. 

“You’re an idiot, he told you he loved you.” A voice said in my head.

“No, don’t listen to them, he didn’t really mean it. He doesn’t love you, you’re too pathetic to be loved.” Another voice said.

I know that’s probably the truth, but I don’t want to believe it. I want to believe Luke actually loves me. But the voice could be right. He probably just thinks I’m pathetic. I didn’t even tell him I loved him back. I just sat there like an idiot and said nothing.

 I laid my head down on Luke’s chest and shut my eyes attempting to get some shut eye. But it was really no use, my mind was annoying me and wasn’t letting me sleep. I grunted and jumped up from the bed leaving the room, trying not to make any noise so I didn’t wake Luke. I went out to the family room and plopped down onto the sofa pulling my knees up to my chest and laying my head down. It was around 5 A.M when my mind shut off and my eyes finally started to droop, and eventually everything went black.

“Mikey.” I heard Luke whisper from above me. I squinted my eyes open and saw him staring down at me with a confused look. I eventually realized that I was still in the same exact position I was in when I fell asleep.

“Why did you leave the room last night?” He asked me. I shrugged not really in the mood to go into this full on conversation. So I just responded with a simple, I couldn’t sleep. He sighed and sat down next to me patting my knee.

“Get up, I want to take you somewhere.” He demanded. I groaned and laid down trying to get comfier.

“Can’t we just stay in all day?” I asked not in the mood to get out of bed, or in my case, off the couch.

“No, get up.” He demanded, grabbing my arm yanking me up, causing me to fall off the couch and onto the ground with a thud. I groaned and Luke let out a loud laugh and tried saying sorry, but he was laughing too hard to get anything else out.

“You’re an ass.” I muttered pulling myself up.

“I’m sorry Mikey, let me kiss it better.” He said pulling me closer once I stood up.

“Don’t kiss anything besides my lips.” I told him, then puckered my lips. He placed his lips on mine and pulled away to fast, causing me to pout.

“That wasn't good enough.” I said.

“Too bad. Go shower and maybe I will kiss you more when you finish.” He stated pushing me away. I turned around and began walking away until I felt a big hand hit my backside. I gasped and turned back to Luke and saw him staring at me with a smirk.

“Sorry babe, I just couldn't resist.” He told me then shrugged, trying to act innocent. I playfully rolled my eyes and continued on to go get my shower ready.

         After all the commotion, Luke and I were finally on our way. He kept refusing to tell me where we were going which was getting me really annoyed, because he and I both know that I do not do well with surprises.

"Luke" I whined. "Where are we going?" I asked

"I told you Mikey, it is a surprise. If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." He told me.

"Luke you know I hate surprises, I don't just hate them I despise the-" I was cut off when the car came to a rough stop and my body jerked forward. (In case you are wondering, Luke did get his Licence, but I don't feel like going back and explaining it. That's too much work.)

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around. There were any building or anything, it looked more like a small forest type thing. There were trees scattered all around and in the middle there was a small pond. It was quite beautiful if you asked me.

"I come here a lot, when I need to escape the world. I thought we could share this place. It could be like our special place." Luke explained and I couldn't help but let the small smile appear on his face as he said "Our place"

"That sounds amazing." I said

"Well, whats the fun of it if you just sit in the car the whole time. Come on." Luke said hopping out of the drivers side. I jumped out after him and ran around to his side so I could grab hold of his hand and we could walk together. We strolled over to the edge where the water was and we stood there for a bit, side by side. after a while Luke plopped down on his bottom and patted the spot next to him.

"Sit." He demanded. I accepted his offer and sat down next to him scooting closer for some warmth. Luke took some notice and wrapped his arm around me, allowing my body to scoot into his side. It was nice, to be alone and just to be able to think. 

"Hey Mikey." Luke said quietly. I made a small noise, telling him that I was listening and he could continue

"Be my boyfriend." He said. Now that shocked me.

"What?" I asked in response allowing my eyes to widen in the process. I lifted my head off his shoulder and stared at him, waiting for him to go on. 

"I know it's early in the relationship, or whatever this whole thing is. But I don't want to wait anymore. I don't want to worry that you will run off to someone else. I want you to officially be mine. I want to be able to kiss you and hug you whenever I want. I just- I want you to be my boyfriend." He admitted. By the end I was smiling so big, I'm pretty sure my mouth would get stuck like this but I didn't care. I grabbed Luke's cheek and pulling him down meeting his lips half way. He began to kiss back immediately circling his arms around my waist pulling me as close as possible. He moved his lips softly against mine and I savored the taste of them, almost afraid that this would be the last time I would be able to kiss Luke’s soft lips.  I pulled away breathless after a while and left my head laying against his. 

"Oh and Luke." I added breaking the silence. He made a small noise and rubbed his nose against mine, indicating that I was allowed to speak. 

 "I'm most definitely not going to run off." I clarified then grasped his cheek bring him back down to my lips for another kiss. I can officially call Luke my boyfriend, I never thought the day would come


I was going to just finish this story, but there was a good amount of people and even a few of my friends who wanted me to continue. I just decided why not, But I edited this chapter because I wasn't really a fan  of it. I wanted to also say thanks for the support I have gotten, I didn't think this story would get any reads or comments, but in a matter of just a few weeks I hit 1K reads and it feels pretty amazing that people do actually like my writing, even if it does suck. Anyway make sure you COMMENT, and VOTE, and, FOLLOW ME. BYEEE!!! 

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