Chapter 3

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(This is edited to the best of my abilities. I'm ill but I wanted to get a chapter up.) This chapter is so bad. I honestly don't even know how I could edit it to make it better.

Luke's POV

            When I woke up the next morning Mikey was gone. No where in sight. Sighing I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I wanted Mikey to be here when I woke up. I could have made breakfast, and we could have ate together. I know that sounds really cliché, but I want to make sure he is eating. After what happened last night, I get the feeling that he is skipping more meals then he should. I reached for my phone on my dresser and saw that I had two messages, one from Mikey and one from Veronica. Veronica is my girlfriend. We go on and off a lot, and sometimes I wonder why I am still with her. She can be a bitch sometimes, no not sometimes, all of the time. But somehow we make it work. I opened Veronica's text and my eyes went wide as I read it.

Ronnie: Luke, you were supposed to pick me up at 7, it is now 9. Thank you so much for standing me up.

"Shit." I whispered, I was too focused on Mikey I totally forgot we planned to go out. I just pushed that thought aside and decided to deal with it later so I could read Mikey's text. I looked down at the message and smiled

Mikey: Hey Lukey, sorry I left before you got up. I had some things I had to do, but we should hang out again soon. I had fun last night. XD

Luke: its okay Mikey, I kind of thought I did something wrong and I scared you away. But yeah we should hang out tonight, I have nothing else to do anyway.

I was surprised about how fast he was to text back, he must have been near his phone.

Mikey: Okay then! Tonight It is.

All of the sudden Veronica's face popped up on my screen telling me that she was calling. I clicked the green button and brought the phone up to my ear before speaking


"Luke, what happened last night?" She screeched in the phone making me have to yank it away from my ear.

"I'm sorry Ronnie, I had to help Mikey with something." I explained pulling the phone back to my ear.

"When the hell are you not with Michael? Whenever you cancel on me, no let me correct myself, stand me up, your excuse is always Mikey this, Mikey that." She accused raising her voice slightly.

"I'm sorry okay. I had to help him. He is my best friend I couldn't just leave him." I told her. There was a long awkward silence before I heard her sigh loudly

"Okay fine, but don't forget tonight we planned to have dinner with my parents." Shit! That was tonight? I really am a bad boyfriend.

"Luke, don't tell me you forgot about that too." she said sounding frustrated.

"No babe! I didn't forget, your picking me up right." I asked

"Duh, since you're too damn lazy to go get your license." Bitch.

"Whatever bye." I said hanging up before she could say anything. I groaned and fell back down on my bed. I guess I won't be seeing Mikey tonight.

Mikey's POV

            I smiled looking down at my phone. I get to see Luke again tonight. Maybe my night won't be so bad after all. I set my phone down and decided I should have a shower. I took my clothes off, turned the shower on, and waited for the water to get warm. I got in shortly after letting the steaming hot water run down my body. When I reached for the soap something slipped off the shelf and hit my foot. I look down too see it was my razor. I haven't even thought about hurting myself while being with Luke. I've been distracted, I guess Luke's my distraction.

I sighed picking up the razor and running my fingers over the blade hissing as the sharp object made tiny cuts on my thumb. I threw it back onto the shelf and continued showering. I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing it for Luke. Because if he found out about the things I do to myself I'm sure he wouldn't want to be my friend anymore. No one wants to be friends with a freak.

After my shower I went to my closet and pulled out black skinny jeans and a simple long sleeve shirt. I plopped down on my bed and saw I had another text from Luke. I smiled opening it, but I was frowning by the end. Luke ended up not being able to come because he had a dinner date with his girlfriend. Why is he even with her? She is a bitch and I could treat him so much better. Wait what the hell am I thinking? Luke is straight, he could never like me. I groaned and buried my head deep into my pillow and pulled the covers up over my head. I guess my night was going to be terrible after all.  

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