Chapter 10

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Mikey’s POV

“It’s true.” Matt explained as we walked through the park with our fingers interlocked.

“No, it’s not. Shut up and stop lying.” I said.  Matt kept trying to convince me that I was beautiful, but I refuse to believe such a lie. Matt all of the sudden stopped walking and turned to face me. He slowly brought his hand up to stroke my cheek, and sighed.

“Why won’t you believe anyone when they tell you you’re beautiful?” He asked.

“Well it’s kind of hard to believe it when you go through half of your life being called things like ugly and worthless. But it doesn’t matter I’m not beautiful.” I explained.

“One day, you will realized you are beautiful.” He said, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, maybe when I’m dead.” I said causing him to frown. He shook his head before pecking my cheek, and began strolling away pulling me with him.

“So, tomorrow I want to take you on a date.” Matt explained. As much as I wanted to go I already made plans with Luke.

“I really would love to, but I’m hanging with Luke.” I said, sighing.

“Oh.” He said. I immediately felt guilty when I saw how upset he looked.

“I’m sorry Matt, I just haven’t seen Luke in two weeks.” I said, looking away not wanting to see him upset.

“Isn’t it better that way?” I heard him mutter, probably thinking that I didn’t hear.

“Excuse me?” I question, a little confused at that comment.

“I just think the less time you spend with him, the smaller the chance is of something happening between you two.” He explained, shrugging.

“Matt, Luke is my best friend. I’m not just going to forget about him because of you.” I said suddenly feeling a bit of anger.

“I’m sorry okay. I just really like you, and I’m new to all of this dating shit. I just don’t like thinking that every time you two are together something is going to happen, also I really like spending time with you.”  He said, by the end of this he was smirking. I didn’t really think this was a time to be smiling, or smirking.

“Matt, you’re just going to have to get used to the fact that Luke is my friend and I’m not going to just push him under the bus for you. The same thing happened with his last girlfriend, he didn’t leave my side for her. He was still there and we hung out more than they did. So I want to do the same with him.” I explained.

“You do realize that you have hung with me for the past two weeks and haven’t really answered his calls or texts.” He told me. Oh yeah, that did happen. Woops.

“Well, that’s going to change. I’m going make time for the both of you, as much as I can.” I said. He nodded then smiled, thankfully happy with that deal.

“Okay I’m sorry, you can go hang with him tomorrow.” He explained.

“How about this, you take me on a date around four, then after we are done I will go to Luke’s.” I suggested, happy with my idea. He smiled and nodded once again.

“Yeah that sounds great, I’ll call you tomorrow though. I have to go now.” He said, kissing my cheek then running off. Luckily I was only a few houses away from mine, so I wasn’t really scared to be out. When I got close to my place, my eyes caught sight of the blond boy sitting on my porch, staring down at his feet. I approached my house and ended up stepping on a branch, getting Luke attention. He looked up from his feet and smiled when he saw it was me.

“Hey Luke.” I smiled, giving him a small wave.

“Hey Mikey.” He said, standing up from the step, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I get that same feeling every single time he touches me. I sighed and slowly wrapped my arms around him, breathing in his scent.

“Anyway, I kind of wanted to talk to you.” He explained. He seemed kind of nervous. A million thoughts started to go through my head, and they weren’t very good thoughts. Should I be nervous? Have I done something wrong? Is he leaving forever?

“Okay, let’s go inside then.” I explained walking past him, into my house. I waiting for him to enter then threw my door shut letting it slam.

“Okay, so what is it?” I question, waiting for Luke to speak.

“Well, um. You know how things change right?” He asked. I nodded allowing him to continue.

“I’ve been thinking about my feelings over the past few days. I kind of figured out that they’ve changed drastically.” He said fiddling with him thumbs.

“Luke, get on with him.” I said, eager to know what he is going to do.

“I’m trying to say that I want you to stop spending so much time with Matt.” He explained nervously.

“Wait, why not? See I knew you didn’t like him. Why not Luke what did he do? Is he not good enough for you? Did he do something bad to you? What is it Luke tell me?” I demanded. I just got really angry at this. I’ve finally met someone who I like, and he can’t even be happy for me.

“It’s just, I want you to spend more time with me.” He whispered, looking everywhere besides me.

“Of course, because every things got to be about Luke.” I scoffed, chuckling at the end.

“Mikey, don’t you get it?” Luke asking, looking straight at me now.

“What? That you don’t like Matt for some reason. So I shouldn’t hang out wit-”

“No Mikey! That I fucking like you.” Luke shouted, shocking me. Did I just hear what I think I heard?

“What?” I whispered, now giving every ounce of my attention over to Luke.

“Yeah, it’s true. I tried time and time again to deny it too but I just can’t anymore. I’ve even talked to Ashton and Calum, and they are convinced that I like you and that we would make a cute couple. I wanted to be happy for you that you found Matt, but I just couldn’t find it in me. Every time you speak of him I can’t help but feel Jealous. I now know how you felt when I was with Ronnie. It sucks to like someone you can’t be with, or won’t like you back.” He went on for some time, then when he was finished speaking he was breathing heavy, and he looked like he could burst into tears any minute. I didn’t know what to say. Luke just admitted to me that he liked me. After all this time I finally got what I wanted, and I don’t even think I can have it now.

“I have to go.” Luke stuttered out.

“Luke.” I said trying to stop him. He just shook his head and me, backing up slowly.

“No, you have fun with Matt tomorrow. I guess I’ll see you later.” He told me. Then he ran out, and just like that, he was gone.

            What the actual fuck just happened?


What the actual fuck just happened? I kind of feel a bit better with this chapter honestly. The last chapter was sort of a filler because I wasn't really sure what to write. I didn't have time yesterday to really sit down and write and edit the chapter and I wanted to stay on track of updating everyday. So that chapter was just typed then and there. But anyway I hope you liked this chapter. Make sure you Vote, comment, and Follow me. Bye! 

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