Chapter 11

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Mikey’s POV

            Today was my date with Matt, and I can’t help but be feel nervous. I’m not going to lie, I’m more worried about Luke then anything. I really do not know what to do. I like Luke a lot that will never change. But I also really like Matt. I kind of thought before everything happened yesterday, That Matt would be sticking around for a while, but now I’m not so sure anymore.

            A loud knock on my door cut me from my thoughts, and I figured it was Matt since it was around the time he was supposed to show up. I hurried over to the door and smiled when I opened it and saw it was in fact Matt. He looked great. His hair was styled back away from his eyes, and he has black skinny jeans along with a casual button up. My mind went to a place on its own and I began thinking about Luke and how great he looked in skinny jeans, how great he looked in everything.

“Stop it Mikey.” I muttered under my breath. I could tell Matt had heard me by the look he was giving me.

“What?’ He asked. I was mentally cursing myself out for allowing him to hear that.

“It’s nothing.” I blurted, hoping he would just forget about it and change the subject. Luckily for me he did.

“Alright… I guess. Anyway are you ready?” He asked reaching out waiting for me to take a hold of his hand. I immediately accepted his hand allowing him to lead me to his car. Tonight is a night about me and Matt, not me and Luke. I really need to figure out what I want tonight before someone gets hurt. Do I want to be with Matt? Or is Luke the one for me?

            It’s been almost an hour since we got to the restaurant, and if you ask me I don’t really think it’s going too well. Everything Matt did reminded me of Luke, and when I say everything I mean every single thing. When he eats, I think of Luke. When he walks, Luke comes to my mind. When he talks, I hear Luke’s voice, not Matts. I think I made my decision.

“Mikey, are you alright? You haven’t touched your food once, and you’re awfully quiet.” He asked grabbing a hold of my hand.

“No.” I replied bluntly. What was the point of lying anymore?

“What’s wrong?” He questioned

“It’s about Luke.” I sighed. Matt frowned and pulled his hand away quicker then I wanted.

“You love him. Don’t you?” He asked. I nodded my head slowly, refusing to look up at him because I didn’t want to see his expression.

“Matt, I’m sorry. I like you a lot, I do. But my feelings for Luke are so much stronger.” I explained.

“It’s okay Mikey.” Matt sighed. I snapped my head up, shocked that he didn’t blow up on me. Kind of sad that he didn’t try and fight for me, just a little bit.

“You’re not upset?” I asked.

“Of course I am sad Mikey. But if you love Luke then there isn’t really anything I can do about it. Plus I kind of knew you liked him from the beginning.” He explain giving me a small smile.

“What, how?” I question.

“When we first met, he was the only thing you talked about. You went on and on about how amazing he was. At first I was a bit selfish because I wanted you to myself so I tried my hardest to keep you two apart and thought maybe your feelings would fade eventually. But they didn’t and I get it. I will get over you I promise.” He said. I was both relieved and sad. Relieved that he was able to let me go, but sad that he will forget about me that quick.

“Okay, well let’s go get your man.” Matt said jumping up from his chair and pulling on his jacket.

“Wait Matt.” I stopped him, jumping up from my seat. He raised his eyebrow allowing me to continue.

“Could we still be friends?” I question. I mean yeah we aren’t going to date but it would be nice if we were still friends, Matt is a cool guy and I don’t want us to never see each other again. I sighed in relief when I felt Matt’s arms wrap around my waist and my face came in contact with his chest.

“I would like that Mikey.” He whispered giving me a small kiss on the head before pulling away.

“Now, what the fuck are we waiting for? You have a sexy guy waiting for you. Come on” He demanded and began walking away. I laughed and followed him outside, and before I knew it we were in his car and I was giving him directions to Luke’s place.

Luke, I’m coming for you.

Luke’s POV

Today was a boring, long ass day. I thought about Mikey most of the time. Which probably wasn’t a good idea because it was just making me even more upset, I don’t like being sad.

            I felt myself jump from my bed when I heard my door slam open and someone yelled my name. Speak of the devil, I knew that voice from anywhere. Mikey burst through my door a few seconds later, and I could tell he was out of breath. What did he do run here?

“Mikey.” I whispered. He gave me a smile then began speaking.

“Luke, I’m sorry.” He breathed out.

“For?” I asked confused.

“About everything. Making you think that I forgot about you. Making you feel like I like Matt more then I like you. Because really I don’t. I like you a lot, more than you think. I have for a while actually. I should have said something before Matt came into the picture. But I was just too much of a wimp to say anything and I thought if I did you would just think it was weird that your best friend has a crush on you. Now you are probably pissed at me. I probably screwed up my chances with you, and I’m sorry. I truly am.” He rambled. I’m not sure he realized how much he was talking, so eventually I had to stop him.

“Mikey.” I snapped. He quit talking and looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

“You haven’t screwed up your chances Michael.” I explained.

“I didn’t?” He asked. I shook my head lightly. His eyes lit up and he let out a sigh in relief. He smiled wide and began walking towards me.

“I want to try something.” He whispered. He ended up getting so close I could feel his minty breath hit my lips.

“Wait Mikey, what are you-” He cut me off by slamming his lips onto mine. My head told me to pull away, but my heart told me other wise and eventually took over me. The next thing I did shocked me more than him. I wrapped one arm around his waist and the stroked his cheek with my other. This was all so new to me, but I’m going to be honest I liked it. His lips were so soft and gentle, better than any girl I have ever kissed. This moment was perfect and I didn’t want it to end, I could stay like this forever. 


Hey look they kissed. MUKE for life though! Yeah I know it went kind of fast but I just wanted to get on with it. I felt like if I didn't make them kiss soon the story would just drag on and get boring. But anyway there you go! Chapter 11! Plz Vote, comment, and follow me! ILY! 

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