Chapter 23

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The pills were now all over the place, half of them ruined and dirtied. All because someone had to call me and I have to be one that get startled easily. Groaning I unlocked my bathroom door and went over to my phone that was sitting on my dresser. I picked it up and the name that showed up on my phone shocked me. Something is telling me this is supposed to happen. Like he was supposed to call me. If he never called me I'd be dead, or close to death. But because of Luke I didn't do it. It's like he saved me in a way. 

 I hit the green button that said accept and brought the phone up to my ear taking a deep breath. 

"Hello." I said. 

"Mikey." Luke sighed

"What's up?" I asked. 

"I don't know. I just felt like calling you since everything I had to do today is over." He explained. Yeah everything he had to do. I still don't understand why it's that big of a secret.

"Oh. Well Hi." I said. 

"It's really quiet and boring at my place without you. I like it a lot better when your here." He told me. I couldn't help but smile at that comment but then the smile faded immediately when I realized it wasn't really true 

 "He's lying Mikey, Don't believe him."

 "Yeah." I whispered. There was a long pause at the other end of the phone before I heard Luke speak again

"Mikey are you okay?" He asked. 

 "He doesn't really care if you’re okay." 

 "Yeah. I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I questioned.

 "You just kind of seem upset. Is it because I snapped at you this morning?" He asked. No it's definitely not that.  

 "No Luke. Everything is fine I promise." I told him. I faked a small laugh so he could stop worrying about me. 

 "He isn't worried about you Mikey. He doesn't really care. Get that through your head."

 "Okay well. Do you want to hang out?" He asked. I would really like that. Seeing Luke to get my mind off of everything would be great. I was about to reply when I was rudely interrupted.

 "You actually think he wants to see you. He just pities you."

Of course they're right. They’re always right. 

"I'm actually just going to stay home Luke. I feel really tired and I just want to get some rest. Maybe another day though." I answered.

"Oh." He said. "Okay." He sighed. I could hear the disappointment in his voice. All I wanted to do was speak up and tell him I'd be right over but I can't. I just can't.  

"I'm sorry." I whispered. 

"It's okay Mikey. We can do it another time." He said. 

"I love you." He told me. 

"No he doesn't."

"Yeah." I sighed. I hung up quickly before he could say anything else to me. I felt a tear roll down my face and soon I had multiple tears streaming down my face. I hate this so much. I just want these voices to stop and I want to be happy with Luke without any distractions. But I don't think it will ever be like that. 

Laying down I shut my eyes tight and tried my hardest to relax so I could sleep. I tried my hardest to clear my mind and eventually I had cried myself to sleep.

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