Chapter 6

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Mikey's POV

Being the baby I am, I cried all the way home. I still cried when I arrived home, and threw myself into bed. I know I am overreacting about this whole thing but I really did not want Luke to find out. I know it seems wrong because he is my best friend, but it's just everyone who finds out treats me differently. I don't want Luke to treat me differently. 

I finally decided to drag myself out of bed and strolled over to my bathroom. When I look in the mirror I scrunched my nose at the terrible sight. My eyes were blood shot, and my hair was sticking up all over the place. I was a hideous mess. I sighed running my hand threw my hair not wanting to look at myself anymore. When I turned around my eyes caught ahold of my razor. I was trying to stop for Luke, but honestly is there really a point?

I reached over grabbing my razor and slowly brought it to my wrist. I slid the blade over my wrist hissing at the stinging sensation, but I kept going because I deserve this. I deserve to feel this pain.   When I was finished I didn't even bother cleaning myself up. I just slid down my bathroom wall, and sat on my floor, letting my wrist bleed.

All of the sudden my bathroom door slammed open. I snapped my head up quickly and I saw Luke standing there staring down at my arm. He didn't bother saying anything, he just reached into my cabinet, grabbed a rag, and a bandage and began cleaning my wrists up. 

"Dr. Luke to the rescue." I murmured making Luke laugh lightly. I looked up and finally caught sight of his face.

"Have you been crying?" I asked. His eyes were also bloodshot and his hair was all over the place. 

"Don't worry about me." he mumbled finishing up the bandages then standing up to put everything away. He turned back towards me and grabbed my hand pulling me up off the floor.

"Come on." He whispered then began pulling me out the bathroom and towards my room. We both sat down on the edge of my bed. My legs were crossed and Luke put his legs on either side of me so I was in between his legs. We were really close and I could basically feel his breath on my face, and I felt my heart beating rapidly inside my chest.

"You don't have to tell me anything." He told me grabbing ahold of my hand. 

"I want to though." I blurted out.

"You do." He asked shocked at my response considering I didn't want to say anything earlier.

Yeah, Veronica is right. She may be a bitch, but she is right about this one." I sighed. "Please, just give me time."

"Take all of the time you need Mikey, I'm not going anywhere." He clarified. I took a deep breath before beginning.

"So I got bullied in school, a lot. Which is why I dropped out so early, everything just got too much to handle and I just couldn't stay there. I had this boyfriend named Mason. He made me feel so special. The first few months were great we did everything together and he made me feel like the most special guy in the world. The only thing was we couldn't tell anybody at school because I went to a school with a bunch of homophobic ass holes. We were caught making out behind the school one day. I thought that we were both going to get hell for it but it turns out it was just me. I found out that he told people that I came on to him. When really it was his idea to sneak back there in the first place. But because he was popular, people believed him. Anyway, basically people started calling me names like fag and queer. If I'm honest they didn't really bother me, because I knew they were true. But it eventually started to get to me when people started calling me things like Worthless, disgusting, Saying I didn't deserve to live and I should kill myself. Eventually the words started to get to my head and I began to believe it. I even started to hear voices in my head telling me the same things. I came to the point where I wanted to feel pain. But I didn't want to feel mental pain. I wanted to feel some kind of physical pain, besides being pushed into the lockers every day. So one day I went home and the closest thing to me was my blade. It just happened, and from that day on I would cut myself whenever I felt depressed. Also I would count up how many names I was called that day, and when I got home I would put that number of cuts on my arm." That was it. That was my story. I was surprised I wasn't crying by the end of it. I honestly think my body is just tired of crying so much. Luke just sat there the whole time listening. He was now sitting there staring at me, and he was stroking the back of my hand with his thumb. 

"Sorry, that was a lot to take in." I chuckled.

"No, I'm glad you told me though." He said smiling slightly.

"I'm glad you listened." I whispered. Something flashed in his eyes and his jaw tightened.

"I want to kill them." He growled obviously angry.

"Luke, no." I said trying to calm him down, bring my hand up to his cheek. "It's all over now really, it's just the memories that haunt me." I told him.

"Well Mikey, I don't care what you say. I'm going to do everything I can to stop the memories. Nothing will change between us." he said.

"Thank you." I whispered before hugging him.

"No need to thank me." He said wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"No really, thank you for being there for me. When no one else wasn't." I told him. He said nothing, he just laid back on my bed bringing me with him so that I was in between his legs with my head on his chest. I wrapped my arms tightly around his torso and enjoyed this moment. I didn't want it to end, it was just perfect. But I was nothing but a friendly gesture to him.


I don't know about you, but I really liked this chapter. I kind of took some experiences from my life and added a few other things :) Hope you like it! Plzz Comment, Like, and Follow me. It'd mean a lot. MAKE SURE TO VOTE!!! ILY ALL!

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