Chapter 15

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Before you read 15, I edited 14, if you haven't went back and read it you'll most likely get confused during this chapter.


Mikey's POV

Luke and I were still at the pond. We talked for a bit, Luke even tried to get me to go in the pond with him. But it's too cold for that. So we just continued to sit on the grass and talk, which didn't bother me one bit. it was now dark, but it didn't matter, I was safe with Luke. Luke had his arms around my stomach while I had my back laid on his chest. I could honestly stay like this forever. 

"Mikey." Luke whispered in my ear. 

"Yeah?" I asked

"It's getting pretty late, I think we have to get going." He told me. 

"mmm." I groaned shaking my head. I didn't want to go, it was so peaceful, and Luke was so warm, and this just felt like my happy place. 

"Mikey, we can't stay here forever." Luke said. 

"I wish we could." I mumbled. Luke laughed and carefully lifted me up off of him, and he got up instantly after that, so he could pretty much catch me before my body fell to the ground again. 

"Wake up sleepy head." Luke chuckled. I caught a glimpse of his face and smiled. His used to be quiff now hung low covering part of his eye, but I could still see his beautiful blue eyes peering down at me. Luke really was beautiful, and I was extremely lucky he chose me.

"Come on Mikey." Luke whispered, guiding me through the trees and over to the car. He opened the door and I lazily slid into the seat allowing him to shut it behind me. I sighed and laid my head on the window and shut my eyes. Shortly after I heard Luke get into the car and start it, then we were off. I don't remember much happening after that. Because everything eventually went black and I was out.

"Mikey." I heard Luke say while shaking me lightly. I groaned and swatted their arms away from me. 

"Mikey." He groaned again shaking me more. 

"What." I grumbled.

"Were back at my place." He said. I sighed and slowly stumbled out of the car trying to catch my balance. I felt to arms grab my waist and steady me, before letting me go allowing me to stand on my own. 

"Your so clumsy." Luke told me. 

"Shut up, I'm tired." I snapped. 

"okay well, lets get you inside to bed." Luke said. He grabbed hold of my arm and carefully guided me to his front door and into his house. I allowed him to take me to his room then lay me down on his bed. I sat up pulling my shirt over my head and my pants down my legs, leaving me in nothing but boxers. I forgot I had the cuts all over my body until I looked up and saw Luke's trailing down up and down my body. He touch made me feel quite insecure and a little frightened. I pulled my arms up attempting to cover myself.

"Stop looking." I whispered. I kept my arms over my body trying to cover as best as I could I heard soft footsteps coming towards me and soon large hands gently took my arms away from my body. I looked up and saw Luke now crouched down in front of me.

"Mikey your beautiful." Luke told me. I felt my heart flutter, and I couldn't help but feel happy that at least one person loved me and the cuts on my body. I leaned down a pecked Luke on the lips before crawling up to the top of the bed and lying down under the covers.

"You have a nice ass." Luke told me. He crawled into the bed and smirked down at me as the blush made it's way to my face

"Way to ruin the moment." I told him. 

"I'm sorry I just couldn't resist." He chucked. I shook my head and slid close to Luke allowing him to move his arm over my stomach and lay his chin on my shoulder. I turned my head sideways so mine and his face was really close. Our ours were centimeters apart, as were our lips, and the tips of our noses were touching slightly. I leaned closer, allowing our lips to touch. We kissed for a bit then Luke pulled away only leaving me to want more.

"Go to sleep, eager one." Luke laughed patting my stomach. 

"Night." I whispered shutting my eyes.

"Night." He whispered back. And I actually slept through the whole night, for once, and it felt great.


Here's 15. I don't really have much of a note. Hope you enjoyed this chapter :) thanks for reading. FOLLOW, VOTE, COMMENT plzzzz. 

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