Chapter 9

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Luke’s POV

            “Hey Mikey, you want to hang out?” I asked once he finally decided to pick up his phone.

“Sorry Luke, I’m hanging out with Matt today.” He told me.

“Oh.” I sighed. That’s been his excuse for the past two weeks. He has been really distant since he met that Matt guy, and I honestly miss him. It kind of feel like he’s forgotten about me. I really hate thinking like that.

“Sorry Luke, maybe we can hang out tomorrow.” He said. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at that comment.

“Yeah, that was your excuse yesterday, and the day before that.” I scoffed.

“Luke, what is your problem. I thought you’d be happy that I finally met someone.” I really wasn’t though. I wanted to be happy for him I really did. But something was telling me that I wasn’t happy about it.

“Mikey, I am happy you met someone you like better than me.”  I said sarcastically.

“Who said I liked him better then you?” He asked.

“Well it’s kind of obvious, you have hung out with him more in the past two weeks, then we have in a month. You haven’t answered my called, or my texts since you met him. Tell me Mikey, does that sound logical?” I asked getting angrier. Now I think I know how he felt when I was with Veronica, it must have been terrible.

“Whatever Luke, get over yourself. Just because we haven’t seen each other in two weeks doesn’t mean I forgot about you.” He explained. I could tell he was getting pretty pissed by the tone in his voice.

“I’m sorry Mikey, I just miss you.” I sighed frowning. I didn’t want to argue with him anymore. I didn’t want him to be angry with me.

“Luke, you’re my best friend. Understand that. I just really like Matt, and he’s actually gay, so I could have a chance with him.” He told me once he calmed down.

“Okay Mikey, I’m sorry. But can we please hang out tomorrow.” I asked, hoping that the answer would be yes.

“I have nothing else to do so why not? Now that I think about it I miss you too.” He said.

“Okay, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked

“Yes, you will Lukey.” He said, I could practically tell that he was smiling by the tone of his voice, which made me smile too.

“Okay well bye.” I said

“Bye Luke.” Then I hung up. I didn’t want to talk to him anymore. I needed to talk to someone else. I had to know what to do, because I can’t go on like this. Knowing whether or not I’m gay, and I have feelings for Mikey. I went back into my contacts and decided to text the only two people I knew I could rant to, without them getting annoyed, or walking out on me.

“Both of you, get your asses over here. I have an emergency.”

            I don’t know how it happened, but not even was it 15 minutes later when they came bursting through my door and plopped on my couch, waiting for me to begin talking.

“Okay Luke, what do you have to say about Mikey this time?” Ashton asked, shocking me that he already knew what I was going to talk about.

“How did you know?” I asked.

“Well you go on and on about him, every single time we are with you. So we just figured.” Calum said butting in.

“Well yeah it is about him, and I don’t know what to do. Mikey met this guy named Matt, and well I want to be happy for him but something inside of me is telling me I’m not. It can’t be jealousy, because I’m straight, I am. But I don’t know what it is, and that’s why I need your help.” I probably said that really fast. But I couldn’t help it, when I talk about Mikey I can go on and on, and not know about it.

“Luke, when the hell are you going to accept that you are 100 percent gay for Michael Clifford?” Calum asked me.

“I don’t think ever, because I’m not gay.” I explained causing Ashton to groan in frustration.

“Luke, just get over it. You are gay okay. You are the only one, along with Mikey who doesn’t see that you’re gay, especially for Mikey. You can go on and on about him and not even realize it. Every single time you talk about him, your eyes light up brighter than lights on a Christmas tree. Luke it’s okay if you like Mikey, Calum and I both agree that you two would make a cute couple. Muke for life.” Ashton explained than threw his fist up in the air like an idiot. Muke. There’s actually a nice ring to it.

“I guess you’re right.” I admitted then sighed. “But what do I do?” I asked.

“Well I suggest you find a way to tell him before he gets close to Matt. The sooner you wait the smaller chance you will get, then eventually it will be bye bye Lukey.” Calum said. I sighed again and laid down on my bed. Ashton patted my knee and smiled down at me sympathetically. Damn, I just found out that I’m gay for Michael Clifford. Well I’m screwed.   


I feel like this chapter was really bad. I usually have my chapter written up before I type them but I didn't tonight, but I had to update so I just came up with something. I hope you like the chapter though, I mean the good part about this chapter is Luke finally admits to himself that he is gay for Michael, also Ashton and Calum made their way into the story. :) Anyway make sure you vote, comment, and follow. Ya know all the good stuff. Anyway ILY bye!

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