Chapter 4

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Luke's POV

            "Luke are you there?" I hear someone shout from the family room. I figured it had to be Ronnie since no one else had a key to my place.

            "Yeah babe, I'm in here." I yelled and immediately heard the annoying sound of Ronnie's heels walking towards my door.

"Hi." I said when she opened the door, walking over to her and pecking her on the lips.

"Hey." She smiled hugging me.

"You ready to go." She asked grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door before I could even give her an answer.

"Yeah sure." I muttered hopping into her car. I honestly would rather be with Mikey right now instead of having to be around Ronnie's parents. I don't know what it was but something about them made me feel uncomfortable. I kind of feel like they don't like me either.

"You know, you really need to get your license, I'm tired of having to pick you up every time we go out. You are the guy, so you should be the one picking me up." She said pulling away. Wow, bipolar much. I ignored her and looked out her window watching everything pass by us.

"So Luke, I was thinking this week we could go down to my parents cabin and we could finally have some alone time, if you know what I mean." She said laying her hand on my thigh.

"Sorry, but I already made plans to hang with Mikey." I told her.

"Of course." She muttered pulling her hand away.

"What do you want me to do, he is my best friend." I said.

"Yeah well, I'm your girlfriend Luke. We never see each other anymore, and you're always with Mikey."

"I'm not going to forget about him for you, sorry but that's not how things work." I told her.

"I don't know why you hang out with that fag anyway." She muttered. Now that made me mad.

"Excuse me?" I sneered.

"Well it's true. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to fuck you yet." she said focusing on the road.

"He isn't gay." I stated getting angrier.

"Why don't you ask him? Your the only one who doesn't notice it. Do you not ever see the way he looks at you?" She asked. Now that I think about it he does have this spark in his eyes whenever we are around each other. But that can't have anything to do with me. Can it?

"That little depressed faggot needs to lay off." She muttered. She thought I couldn't hear her but I did. I heard her loud and clear.

"How dare you." I whispered. She shrugged not caring one bit.

"You're a bitch... Stop the car." I said unbuckling my seat belt.

"But Luke, my parents" She screeched.

"I said stop the damn car" I shouted and she immediately pulled over. I pulled on the handle and jumped out of the car slamming the door behind me. 

"Good luck finding your way home." She said then slammed the breaks speeding away.

"Fuck you." I screamed and threw the middle finger up before she was out of my sight. I could care less if she was a girl and I hurt her little feelings, how dare she say stuff like that about Mikey.

        I kind of wonder if Mikey is gay. I mean he never really showed any signs, but some people are good at hiding things. It's cool though. I mean I've always wanted a gay best friend anyway.

Enough of that though. I have to focus on getting home. I have no idea where I am. Where the hell was that bitch taking me? I never remember going this way to get to her parents. Was she planning to kidnap me or something?

I thought about calling someone to come and pick me up but there wasn't anyone to call. Calum and Ashton are probably drunk off their asses, or doing something that I really don't want to know about. I don't really want to call my parents, so that really leaves one person, and I think he is pissed at me. I'm just going to call him anyway, it will be better than sitting out here freezing my ass off.

            About 15 minutes later Mikey pulled up in his car. I opened the passenger door jumping in and sighing in relief as the warm heat hit my face.

"What happened?" he asked.

"What happened is Ronnie's a bitch." I said.

"What did she say?" He asked.

"She told me that you were gay." I sighed. His expression changed immediately and he turned away and began driving.

"Mikey." I whispered.  He ignored me.

"So it's true." I said. He pulled over again and turned his head towards me but didn't say anything. After a few minutes of silence he spoke.

"Well go on." He said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Aren't you going to leave like everyone else did when they found out?" He asked letting a tear fall from his eye.

"Mikey, I don't give a shit if you are gay, if I'm being honest it's awesome." I explained wiping the tears from his face.

"So, you don't see me any different?" He asked sniffling.

"I see you as the same Mikey I saw earlier, Awesome, cute, and extremely fun." I said making him smile a real smile.

"Now come on, let's go to my house. We have to hang out like I promised." I explained turning back in my seat. He stared at me for a bit before turning back to face the road and began driving again. I just kept staring at him. Wow. My best friend is gay.

*Sorry if the book is a bit boring in the beginning, it will get better as the book goes on I promise*

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