Chapter 20

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Making love to Luke was great, I wouldn’t change what happened for anything.  But the after math of it wasn’t fun. I woke up this morning and my ass and down was soar, a little bit of my back but it wasn’t as bad. I was able to walk of course, I wasn’t broken, but it hurt when I walked. I even had a small limp to my walk, but I pushed that aside. These are just the side effect of doing things like Luke and I did, and I have to get used to it if Luke and I are going to do it again in the future… We are going to do this again in the future. I woke up this morning expecting Luke to be here, but he wasn’t which kind of upset me. I just was hoping he’d be by my side, especially after last night, but it’s whatever, I’ll get over it.

                I heard the front door slam shut followed by keys being thrown down on a hard surface. I lifted my head from the pillow I was laying on and diverted my eyes out Luke’s bedroom and my eyes stopped on him. I smiled as he began to come towards the bedroom. When he fully entered the room and saw me he smiled falling onto the bed next to me. I immediately let my body move closer to him and I snuggled into his side taking in his warmth and not letting go.

“You okay Mikey, your being really cuddly today.” Luke asked. “Not that I mind though.” Luke said. He wrapped his arms tight around my body and kissed my head. I still got the tingles I got the first day Luke and I kissed, it was a good feeling.

“I got scared, thought you left me.” I chucked. “Stupid huh?” I asked. Luke shook his head and tightened his arms around me pulling me closer, if it was even possible.


                Eventually Luke suggested that we get up and eat breakfast before we were too late. After a long 5 minutes of groaning and Luke dragging me by my arms out of bed, I was finally up.

“Wow such a great boyfriend, dragging me by my arms out of bed. You know you could pull my sockets out by doing that.” I said, trying to act serious.

“We all know, if I didn’t drag you out of bed, you would have never gotten up.” Luke joked.

“Wasn’t that the point?” I said almost in a “duh” tone.

“If you didn’t get up, who would eat these?” Luke questioned. He held a box up and opened them and the heavily smell of pancakes hit my nose making my stomach growl begging for food. Oh god Luke I can’t.

“You can eat them.” I mumbled.

“It’s not fun like that.” Luke pouted. I laughed at how cute he was, but I cut my laugh short after realizing I was about the give in to eating the pancakes.

“I’m…” I tried to come up with and explanation but it didn’t come out quick enough making Luke look at me curiously. “I’m trying to eat healthy.” I said quickly. Luke shook his head and set the box down. I guess he didn’t believe my excuse.

“When’s the last time you ate something?” Luke asked. I opened my mouth to reply but Luke cut me off “Whens the last time you had an actually meal?” He repeated. I tried to think back to the last time I actually had a good meal, and the only thing I could think of was when Luke ordered pizza for us.

“When we had that pizza.” I mumbled. Not wanted to see Luke’s face after my reply I looked down at my feet, becoming fascinated in my ugly toes that were wiggling out of control.

“That is close to a month ago.” Luke said “Mikey, please tell me we are not doing this again.” Luke pleaded, followed by a heavy sigh. I didn’t answer him, so after a few seconds of silence he continued.

“Mikey, I don’t know what I have to do to make you believe you’re absolutely beautiful, yeah you have flaws, but everyone has flaws that’s what makes them beautiful. Mikey I love you why can’t you see you don’t have to change.” Luke ranted. I sighed and lifted my head to face Luke.

“I know you love me, and I love you. So much Luke. But I just have so many insecurities and I just need time to get over them. They may not ever go away, but it’s just something I have to live with.” I explained.

“As long as I’m living with you than I’m fine with living with it. “ Luke said. I smiled at Luke’s words, god do I love this boy.

“Now, will you please eat? At least one pancake, I won’t make you eat a ton. It would be nice if you had more, but I understand if you just eat one.” Luke begged. I sighed and nodded my head lightly walking over the counter and lifting myself up to sit on the stool. I laid my chin on my hand and stared up at Luke. He raised his eyebrow at me and I guess he didn’t get what I was implying.

“Oh, you’re supposed to get me my pancakes.” I explained. Luke chuckled and shook his head pulled out a pancake from the box and grabbing a pack of syrup.

“You’re lucky I love you.” I am, I really, really am… 

            By the time Luke was finished 4 pancakes, I had only had 1. Not even a full one maybe about 3 quarters. I sighed a pushed the plate away not wanted to put any more fat into my body. Soon I heard a sigh come from Luke’s mouth and I looked up to see his frowning at me.

“I’m sorry.” I whisper.

“Don’t say sorry. At least you tried that’s all that matters.” Luke said. Luke walked around the counter and hugged me, I accepted it immediately after laying my cheek against his chest.

“Why are you so tall, and why do we hug so much.” I asked.

“Well I don’t know why I’m tall, I was just meant to be tall. And we hug a lot because you are my boyfriend and I am aloud to hug you, am I not?” Luke explained. I laughed, but my face was now against Luke’s chest so it sounded more like a bunch of muffle squeals.

“Let’s go watch TV.” Luke demanded. He yanked my arm and dragged me into his family room.

“Again with the arm.” I groaned playfully.

“Be quiet Mikey.” Luke said. I laughed and allowed him to drag me the rest of the way. We finally plopped down on Luke’s couch and he grabbed the remote to find something to watch.  Luke and I spent the rest of the morning cuddled up on his couch watching Friends, which was great because 1 I love doing anything with Luke and 2 I love Friends. 


I liked bits and pieces of this chapter, but I don't know hopefully you people reading it like it. I've been sick all week so it's been hard to get to my computer and write because stupid pains. But heyy it's an update. thanks for reading! COMMENT & VOTE & FOLLOW

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