''With me'' suddenly an Indian girl with long black hair wearing a pink dress with an orange sash and huge hoop earrings hooked an arm around Ron's. It was one of the Patil sisters, they're twins transferred from Uagadou a wizarding school in Uganda. ''Why are you always the one who gets everything?!" there was the other sister who walked away angrily.

''Who of the two are you, Parvati or Padma?'' Ron asked.

''Padma'' she winked and Ron rolled with his eyes looking at me like he was gonna run away and hide in his dorm for the rest of the evening.

Draco's POV:

I attended the Yule Ball with Daphne at my side and I could see the looks from both Pansy and Astoria but I couldn't care less. Pansy is my ex-girlfriend and Astoria is the girl I shagged most of the time and left. Daphne and I attended as just friends because that's all we are and very good friends actually. I didn't see Potter yet but I see Diggory standing in front of the large double doors of the Great Hall that led to the hallway. He's probably waiting for Potter to arrive and I'm very curious of how Potter will look.

I must say they did a very good job decorating the Great Hall. It was like a winter wonderland but fortunately it was not cold inside. My mother bought my tuxedo at Twilfitt and Tatting's a few days ago when we were shopping at Diagon Alley. I really like my outfit because I have a long black robe instead of a jacket. I grabbed me and Daphne some alcohol free punch because that's all we're allowed to drink. My attention went to the large doors when someone opened them revealing the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. My world around me stopped and it was like everyone moved in slowmotion as his eyes landed on me. I couldn't care less of how I looked at him but I can assure you I looked in awe. I looked over at Diggory and he stood flabbergasted looking at Potter with an open mouth and eyes wide. Potter looked like an absolute angel.

He was so tiny standing in front of everyone in his pretty tuxedo and his hair neatly done. His cheeks flushed bright red when he noticed everyone focused on him. He was the center of attention because he looked the most handsome in this whole room. He looked at Diggory and then it was like everyone around me moved in their normal pace again shaking me out of my thoughts. Diggory walked up to him lacing their fingers together and walking through the crowd of people to the center of the dance room for the first dance. All the other champions walking behind them.

It looked like Victor the champion from Durmstrang went with Granger and Fleur Delacour went with Roger Davies, he was in the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. They walked elegantly through the crowd so everyone could see them and I stood at the side with Daphne watching them. I looked at Potter with a sad expression because I was supposed to be his date but I just couldn't.

I looked at the back of the room and saw Weasel standing there with one of those weird Patil sisters but I don't know which one and I honestly don't care. I also saw Longbottom with Weaselette and that weird girl on crack I believe her name was Luna talking with a Gryffindor girl I don't know. I focused back on Potter and noticed he was a little tense but the first dance started and I couldn't handle seeing Diggory's hands touching Potter's waist and holding his hand. They swayed perfectly with the rhythm of the music and as soon as everyone around us started joining the champions on the dance floor Daphne pulled my arm and we joined them.

It was a slow dance song so Daphne put her head against my chest ''This is just so it looks like we're a thing or whatever because I saw Pansy and Astoria looking over at us it's actually quite hilarious'' she says making me chuckle ''Yeah you're right it is hilarious''. We swayed slowly with the rhythm and I just kept looking over at Potter and Diggory. They just looked so in love and I wish I was there slow dancing with the Boy Who Lived. I don't deserve it, I really don't deserve it but I really want to. Besides he's terrified of me so he would run away in an instant and go looking for Diggory if I would try to dance with him.

Melt My Iced Heart // DrarryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin