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Raven let out a huff of surprise before gently smiling down at her new friend as he cried tears of happiness while hugging her waist. Which was a bit difficult since she was shorter than Nightmare by a few feet; she barely reached below his hip bone! Petting his skull and whispering soothing words to the skeleton, Nightmare finally calmed down enough to sit back up; wiping left over tears while muttering a thanks.

    "No pwoblem! Anything for a fwiend!"


    The said girl perked up from the new voice as she looked behind and chirped back, "Maaamaaa!" The Guardian looked in the direction Raven was looking at to see a young woman, in her early twenties, wearing a evergreen shirt with black leggings and brown furred boots; calmly walking towards the Tree of Feelings. As soon as she reached the top of the hill, Nightmare could already tell the resemblance; Raven was almost the exact replica of her mother! Long black hair and fair skin... the only difference were that her mother had sparkly emerald eyes and held a kind, gentle aura. The child quickly scrambled up to greet her mother as Nightmare lingered behind anxiously. What if the mother was like every one else and ends up hating him? What if she forbids Raven from seeing him ever again?!

    "Mama! Mama! Look! I finally made a fwiend! We are going to do lots of things togwether! Like wead stories, and pway tag, and- oh! We can stargaze togwether! Can we mama! Pweeeaasse?!" Raven's mother chuckled as she continued to let her little starlight drag her up the hill, "Calm down my little starlight! Don't you think I should meet your friend first? And then we can invite them over for dinner first so they could meet your father?" This caused Raven to gasp excitedly and cheer as she released her mother's hand when they were face to face with Nightmare. Green orbs locked with purple eye lights and the event that unfolded left him a flustering mess. Raven's mother bowed her head low and said, "Greeting, O' great Guardian! I am Salem Nightingale. Thank you for watching over my little starlight. I hope that she has not caused you any trouble?"

   'What is this?! This is completely different from how I'm usually treated! I honestly don't know what to do! Uh... quick Nightmare! Act cool and natural!'

    With a glowing blush on his skull, he waved his arms around while stuttering, "I-it's ni-nice to meet y-you too! Raven behaved cutely- no wait! I mean wonderfully! Lovely weather we're having, huh?"

    'What was that?! Real smooth, me!'

    A breathy chuckle escaped Salem's lips as she rose from her bow, "Yes, the weather was lovely today. And I'm quite pleased to know that my daughter behaved cutely; she has always had trouble making friends. I'm glad that Raven finally found one in someone as funny as you." Nightmare scratched his neck in embarrassment before noticing Raven letting out a large yawn and rubbing her eyes. Smiling down at her child, Salem picked up Raven while coaxing "Let's get you to bed, little starlight. You had a long day." The girl let out a whine in protest, "But I don't want to leave Nwighty yet! We still have so mwuch things to do togwether..."

   'Can she get any cuter?!'

    Giving a soft smile, he suggested "I can see if my brother can keep watch tomorrow? Then we can spend the whole day together?" Perking up at the idea, Raven gave a weak thumbs up before slurring out, "If he doesn't allow you, then we can hang out at the twee and cuddle and other... fun..... things..." With that said Raven passed out in her mother's arms. With a small nod to Nightmare, Salem walked off in the direction of the forest where her home resided; leaving the Guardian to watch over the mother and daughter duo until they disappeared into the trees.

    'Starlight, huh? The nickname suits her."

    "𝙃𝙚𝙮, 𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙚!"

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