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My eyes fluttered open but I closed them shut when I was almost blinded by light hitting my face. My head hurts... what?-

That's when it hit me.

Walking home after my fight with Dream...

Blacking out and my meeting with RAGE to drowning in a sea of darkness...

But memories that I don't remember having flashed before my eyes of attacking my parents to... to...

My breath became labored as I quickly searched for any sign- any proof- that I was only dreaming. I was proved wrong when I spotted Nightmare hunched over the lifeless bodies of my parents.

I... did that...




Killed my own parents...


I snapped my attention to the love of my life as her started walking to me; causing me to panic as I scooted back while yelling, "STAY BACK!"

He did as I told with a look of surprise and, regrettably, hurt. I held back the urge to embrace him as I continued, "I-I don't want to kill you too! You're the only one I have left in the world, Nightmare! I would never forgive myself if I ever lay a finger on you! I-I'm a monster-"

I was cut off as Nightmare launched himself and embraced in a tight hold; as if I was his lifeline.

"You are not a monster, Raven! You had no control over your actions and your parents were very well aware of that. They risked everything to bring you back! So don't let their deaths be in vain by you thinking such thoughts!" Cupping his hands on my cheeks and pressing his forehead on mine, he continued while purple tears trailed down his skull, "That's why I'm not ever leaving you! No matter what happens!"

Before I even knew it, I was wailing and bawling my eyes out in a broken heap as the purple Guardian dragged me onto his lap; rocking me back and forth like a new born babe. I released all of my grief, guilt, anguish, and pain onto his chest. We stayed like that for a good while until I was left as a hiccuping mess.

Looking at me with soft eye lights, Nightmare asked "Do you feel ready enough to say goodbye?"

Biting my lip from stopping any more tears showing, I shakily nodded my head. Standing up, I started to make my way to the bodies of my parents. My gaze wandered over my mother; if it weren't for the giant hole in her chest I would have guessed she was sleeping which brought up a flash of memory when I impaled her with my magic. I shook my head to rid myself of the memory. I need to stay strong to at least give them a proper farewell.

"Mama, there are no words to describe how sorry I am for what I have done. But I hope that you can find it in yourself, wherever your SOUL is resting, to forgive me. I know you would have scolded me saying that there is nothing to apologize for since I didn't have control of the situation." I let out a bitter chuckle at the truth as I allowed small tears escape.

"I just want to let you know Mama, that I love you so much and that I am proud to call you my mother. That I won't let your sacrifice go to waste."

Next, was my father which would be the most difficult farewell that I have ever done. I was always a daddy's girl; memories of times where he taught me how to swim, how he taught me how to read and write, teaching me how to check the traps and all the other survival skills, him playfully teasing me of my crush with Nightmare, and of the times where he would sing our song when I had trouble sleeping when I was younger.

I looked at his peaceful smiling face; expecting him to jump up and scare us.

But I know that will never happen.

"Papa, I know you would say the same thing as Mama, but I'm still going to say it. I'm sorry. You have no idea how horrible I feel for what I've done; then again you might've. You were always so mysterious... but that's what made you a cool dad. I appreciate you for teaching me what I need know to live another day; that life will be a lot harder with you and Mama gone. But I want to let you know that I'm not doing this alone, "raising my hand, I grasped it within Nightmare's, "since your son will be with me until I'm back to my normal self again. I love you and that I miss you guys already."


We burned my parents bodies, since the ground was too frozen to dig them graves, and spread their ashes above the hill overlooking the cottage since it was their favorite spot to spend quality time together. Afterwards, I just felt... lost. By this time I would be eating dinner with my parents but now... I don't feel like eating. I don't even feel like going back home knowing that no one will be there besides me.

This is all my fault.

If I only said something about my problems instead of saying nothing; Mama and Papa would still be alive. That's why I need to tell Nightmare about my deal with Terrence. I can't risk going Berserk and killing another human being.

'Even if they deserve it.'

I brushed that thought aside as I looked up at the cloudy sky; it looks like it's going to snow again.

"What do you want to do now?"

Gazing at my skeleton boyfriend with a determined gaze, I instructed "Let's go inside the cottage; there's something I must confess to you."

The Raven's Nightmare जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें