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We left right after my brother got back from who knows where and have been walking through the woods for a good while. Raven hasn't said anything else about her 'dream terror', since she refuses to call it a nightmare, and I'm starting to get worried. She's brushing it off as if it's nothing and saying that's 'normal' for her when I know otherwise! I know she's hiding something that's causing her extreme mental stress and it's slowly taking it's toll on the young girl!

A frown forms on my face as I continue to stare at the back of my black haired friend. I know she won't tell me what's going on and I can't really force her to tell me...

Just as I know she doesn't want to lose me; I don't want to lose her!

I sighed in frustration as I was about to ask if we reached our destination when I was cut off.

"We're here!"

Walking next to Raven so I can get a closer look, I noticed a huge cavern-like hole in front of us. Raising my nonexistent eyebrows at her, I asked in disbelief "So, we walked all the way out here for a hole?"

She gazed at me with knowing eyes, as Raven answered "Not the hole in general but what's inside it!"

"Ummm... Starlight... how are we supposed to get down there without any equipment?"

Turning around, my dear friend gave me a 'duh' look before letting out a bright smile while doing jazz hands, mysteriously singing "Maaaa~giic!"

I regret teaching her that...

I facepalmed while groaning out, "How?"

She gave me a giddy smile before explaining, "Ok! So, I'm going to use my Strings of Patience on you to tie it around your waist and gently and slowly lower you to the bottom! Then, you can use your magic to levitate me down! Nothing too complicated!"



It's extremely complicated...

First of all, "I didn't know you can use your Strings yet?"

I sensed a wave of nervousness as Raven bit her bottom lip and avoided eye contact, "I've been experimenting with it..."

Pfft! She's joking!

No, she's not...

I opened my mouth in protest before she cut me off, yet again, by placing a finger over my teeth, "I know what your thinking and, yes, it sounds crazy! But, I've been practicing to where I'm pretty good at it! Not at my old man's level but enough where I can keep the Strings going for a solid two hours without cutting anything to ribbons! I'll even show you..." She removed her finger for me to answer while I gave her an unconvinced stare but finally relented with a motion of my hand, "Fine! Show me what you can do..."


Pumping her fists in victory, the young mage walked back to give some decent space to perform her magic. Taking a deep calming breath, Raven spread her legs apart and intertwined her pointers to her pinkies together as she closed her eyes for concentration. Eyes snapping open to reveal her minty blue orb's magical glow, the young girl swiftly and gracefully pulled her fingers apart from one another as a bright glowing blue string was formed. Narrowing her eyes at her target, she crouched down and flung the String like a whip as it detached from her left hand and securely wrapped around Nightmare's waist.

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