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As soon as Raven sent her ATTACK, Salem raised her hands as she summoned a green shield; protecting her and her husband. When the feathers made contact with the green dome, it caused multiple explosions to rain down; leaving the Healer to dig her heels in the dirt as she was being push back by the force.

    "A little help here!"


    Snapping their head to the top of the protective dome, the parents were face to face with their daughter, who was breaking the shield open with her bare hands.

    Batair eyes narrowed while ordering his wife "When I tell ya to, deactivate ya magic."

    Wrapping an arm around Salem's waist, the veteran mage's eye glowed a bright blue as he lifted his free hand up while making eye contact with his enraged child. Letting out a snarling growl, she applied more pressure into her assault that caused the shield to crack.


    The mother deactivated her magic as soon as Batair snap his fingers that caused time to slow. Not wasting the opportunity, the hunter quickly snatched his immobile wife and ran away from the fight. As soon as he hid him and his wife behind the tree, Batair's Time Manipulation had worn off as a huge CRASH could be heard from where they once stood.

    Letting out a sigh of relief, he turned to the female mage while cupping her cheek, "Are ya ok, Mama Bear?"

    Salem let out a shaky breath, "I could be better. How about you?"

    "Same here."

    Both mages peaked from the trunk to spot their youngest one standing in the middle of a crater where the two once stood. Noticing that her targets escaped, Raven let out a growl of frustration while scanning around the area for them.

    Leaning closer to Batair so they won't be discovered, Salem stated "She's acting like a starved wolf on a hunt."

    Never leaving his sorrowful gaze from his daughter, the Hunter stated "Tha' because she is. She is in tha 'Berserker' state; where she 'on't stop killin' everythin' on sight unless her RAGE has subsided or she is 'orced to. Then, there is another option but I'm not willing on killing our own child."

    Salem paled at the thought of killing her sweet Starlight; she would rather sacrifice herself than that. Batair looked down at his wife with a determined gaze, "I 'ave a plan but it's risky. Are ye in?"


    ❤︎RAVEN'S POV❤︎

   "I'm you bwut nwot at the same time."

    I looked at her curiously, "Then who exactly are you?"

    The younger version of me sat down as she gave me a bright, unsettling smile "I'm the RAGE you keep holding back and since your SOUL has been completely consumed by the TRAIT, you're going berserk; trying to kill mama and papa."

    It felt as if my heart stopped at my mind tried to process what RAGE said, "W-what?"

    Giving a wicked grin, the little girl leaned closer with eyes glowing with sadistic glee "I said, you're trying to kill your parents."

    I stood up abruptly, shouting out "No! I can't let that happen! I need to get out of here!"

    I started to walk away until I heard a demonic voice whispered in my ear, "You're not going anywhere."

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