Chapter 45

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Sofia's POV
"Ok I'm back-"

"Uhh what's going on?" I ask as I saw Tinker Bell going totally crazy

"Sofia I have to say" Tinker Bell say as she fly towards me "You got yourself a totally clueless, dumb boy"

"Excuse me?" Hugo say as he came towards us "I'm not dumb"

"Yea sure" Tinker Bell said as she rolled her eyes

"Well here's your food" I smile at her

"Well thank you Sofia" She smile back "I'll see you soon!"

With that Tinker Bell fly out of the window with a wave

"You have one crazy pixie" Hugo said as he look outside the window

"She's not crazy" I say as I took a seat on my bed "What did she tell you anyway?"

"She said you wanted to save me" he said as he look at me

"Save you? Of course not" I laugh awkwardly

"No seriously" Hugo said "What are you trying to save me from"

"If I tell you, you won't belive me"

"Well if you don't say, how do you know I would not believe you?"

"Cause you just wouldn't"

"Well can you just tell me now?"


"Comeon Sofia. We've been friends for years"

"No. Its not the time yet"

"How could it not be the time yet?"

"There's always a time for everything" I said "You just have to be patient"

"You know I hate to wait right" he said as he fold his arms

"Well, I'm sorry. You just have to wait. There's nothing I could do"

"Fine" he groan "Right the recital is in a few day"

"That's quick" I said as I remembered being pair up with Khole and Hugo

"We're having a combine practice in CSS tomorrow during lunch"

"Thanks for telling though"

"Sure, no problem" Hugo said "Since I'm here, do you wanna practice a little?"

"Yea sure"

I went into my closet and change into my ice skating outfit as I brought my enchanted skates out.
I took the wand and the spell book that Mr. Cedric lend me to the lake.

"Well go on, Princess. Do your stuff"

I then flip the pages of the book and hold my wand straight


The lake then slowly turn to ice while Hugo went jumping on the ice lake

"Hey not bad Sofia" he said as he gave me a thumbs up "It's safe"

"Well ok now for your outfit and enchanted skates" I said as I flip the book again "Stand still"

"Skates up"

A pair of skates and a set of ice skating outfit appear on Hugo's body

"Thanks Sofia" Hugo said as he skate around the 'rink'

I think we can now call that a temporary skating rink.

"Right... you remember some of the stunt right?" Hugo ask while I put on my skates


"Well list out our routine for me to hear" He said as he gave me a smirk

"You two will start with two royal round off, and you'll hold Khole in the air. And you'll throw Khole up she'll be doing a stargazer spin while you do a fireball flip. Next Khole will be spinning in the middle while you jump above her and for the final stunt you both will be doing a quadruple fire ball flip "

"You have a great memory, I must say"

"Of course I do. I planned this routine with you" I said as gave him a pat on his shoulder while I walk past him

"Well since this routine is for two.. We're gonna make it fit for three" Hugo said as he follow me from behind

"Three of us will start with two royal round off. After then I'll be holding Khole up in the air, you could just go  freestyle I guess?"

"Hmm ok..."

"And while I throw Khole in the air for a stargazer spin both of us could do a fireball flip together. After the stargazer spin, Khole will be spinning in the middle while I jump over her, why not you and me jump over her together?"

"Yup, I'm okay with that"

Well there's a myth saying that if you allow someone to step over you, you will be short. And of course, when I have the chance to go over Khole, I'm totally in. Sh*t, I might sound like a bad person right now

"Finally three of us will be doing a quadruple fireball flip together"

"Well ok, let's get started" I said as I skate around the rink

"For your information, Khole isn't really good at fireball flips. She can't even do a double flip. I don't even know how she's gonna do a quadruple " Hugo said as he skate beside me

"If she can't even do a double, why are you guys still going for a quadruple?" I ask

"Khole insist that she'll learn a quadruple before the recital"

"Well she's wrong"

"Sofia don't be mean"

"She's not even here"

"You've change...."

"Did I?"

"Yes you did..."

"The only person who has change the most here is you... Hugo...." I said as I stop skating while looking at him

"How did I-"

"Let's not argue about this.... Come on we gotta practice" I said as I continue to skate

We then practice for a few hours. Before it's dinner time, Baileywick came out and called us back in. And yes... You guessed it, Hugo is joining us for dinner

At the table
"Hugo, the last time we seen each other, we didn't have the time to have a normal conversation" Dad said "So how have you been lately?"

"I'm doing great, your majesty" he said with a smile

"What about your soon to be wife?" James said as he punch Hugo with his elbow playfully

"She's doing great too, well the wedding date as already been planned, and you are all invited. We'll be handing the invatation out soon "

Dad then look at mom, and then to me with a worried look

"When is it?" Amber ask

"Next month on the 24th"

"Yea, not gonna happen" Amber gave him a smirk

"Wha-" Hugo look at Amber confusingly

"Guys guys let's not chat about this, let's focus on our food shall we?" I said so that they could stop this awkward conversation "Nobody want their food to be cold right? So let's eat now. And we can chat later"

Everyone agree and started eating their food. Once dinner is done, Hugo stayed for awhile before he leave back to Colston.

Well King Garrick did give me a month time to break the spell. And I hope this will end soon.

I LOVE YOU TILL NOW--HUGFIA FANFICKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat