Chapter 13

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Sofia's POV
"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" Amber shouted while trying to protect me.

"THAT'S WHAT SHE GETS!" Khole said.

I saw James came running over with Hugo and the other boys.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER?!" James look at her with anger rising in his body.


Hugo came to my side and he said.

"ENOUGH KHOLE! GET OUT!" Hugo said as he point to the way out.

Khole parents came running to us and they look at the situation.

"What's going on swetie?" Khole dad asked.

My parents came running as well.

"Sofia, Amber what's wrong?" Dad asked looking very very furious.

"Ugh, mommy! Daddy! That princess stold my boyfriend!"She shouted as she pointing at me.

" What? "Mom look very very confuse.

" I was never your boyfriend and never will be "Hugo said.

" Ugh you have just been spelled by her! "she said as she point at me.

" Sofia doesn't do spells on people to make them fall in love with her!"Ruby said trying to defend me as well.

" If my daughter said your her boyfriend thats mean your her boyfriend. "Khole dad said looking at Hugo.

" Shut up David " Khole mother said.

" But Layla-"King David said.

" I said Quite! "Queen Layla said as she shut her husband mouth.

" I am so sorry for what my daughter have done "Queen Layla apologies.
" And Princess Sofia I am so sorry she slap you "

I just smiled.

" Yea you should look out for your daughter "Amber said as she glared at Khole." She even hurt my sister's arm"

Queen Layla look even more shock than before. And she look at Khole then back at us.

"I am so sorry. How can I help?" she said apologeticly.

"Your daughter hurt my daughter twice!" Dad said in anger. "Sorry doesn't fix every single thing"

"And it's not you who have to say sorry" Mom said as she look at Khole.

Khole look furious. "UGH!" she walked out of the ballroom as her father follows her. Queen Layla bowed as she left the scene as well.

"Sof are you ok ?" James asked.

"Ugh she really is crazy!" Amber said angrily.

"She is totally insane" Hildegard said as she fan herself.

"Ugh I wish I could slap her back but I was so shock that happen!" Cora said wanting to go back in time.

"Sofia can I talk to you alone outside?" Hugo asked.

I nodded as I follow him outside.

We sat on the garden bench.

"Sofia I am sooo sorry that you had to go through this. Its all my fault" Hugo said as he blame himself.

"No, Hugo is not your fault" I said as I hold his hand. "It's not your fault" I smiled.

He put his hand on my cheek. "Does he still hurt?"

"No not anymore" I said.

Suddenly tears started dropping from his face.

"Hugo? Why are you crying?" I asked in shock.

"I still can't forgive myself. Yesterday her friends hurt your arm, both of your arm!" he take a breath. "And now she slap you and its all because of me."

I hug him "No its not your fault. Please don't blame yourself." I said as I tried to calm him down.

He wipe off he's tears and smiled. "Sofia"



"Forget it" Hugo said

I don't want to force him to said the things that he was going to say just now so I just nodded my head and smiled at him.

We then look up, seeing the stars shining brightly above.

We chatted some random stuff. And then..
"Sofy.. Let's go in?"

I nodded at him and we went in together. Once we were inside, everyone was dancing together.

"May I have this dance, Princess Sofia?" Hugo said as he bowed.

"You may" I said chuckling.

We then went dancing together. Everyone was happy trying to forget the situation before. While having the fun time with my friends it then came to and end. We were hugging out friends as good bye. But before all of our friends left Amber told them that they are invited to a sleep over this Saturday. We decided to invite Our friends from RPA, CH, ERA and the village.

"Wait so we boys are invited too?" Desmond asked.

"Yup, don't you wanna see" James said as he point at Amber.

Then Desmond started blushing.

"Great. See you girls on Saturday. Ta-Ta" Hildegard wave with a smiled.

The rest of them agreed and left too.

We then went up to our room. Suddenly Dad and Mom called me.


"Yes mom?"

"Come here for a minute or two"

I walked over to them.

"Sofia that's the girl who hurt you yesterday?" Mom asked.

I nodded.

"We have to do something." Dad said "No one is allowed to hurt my childrens"

"Dad, Mom. I am 16 I can defend myself." I said.

"I know Sofia. We are worried for you." Dad said. "You been hurt twice"

"I'll be more careful dad" I said as I smiled.

"Fine but if there's another time, I am gonna do something about it." Dad said.

"Ok, goodnight Mom, Dad" I said as I turned to walk to my room.

"Good night Sofia" Mon and Dad said together.

As I went to my room I saw Amber.

"Amber what's wrong?" I asked.

"Sofia, how are you feeling now?" she asked.

"Fine" I said. "But-"

"But what Sofia?" Amber asked.

"But I have this feeling that sh-" I was cutted by Amber.

"That she will still have plans to make you leave Hugo?" she said.

"Yea, kinda" I said.

"Don't worry Sofia" Amber comforted me "Me and James will always help you out"

"Yup!"James said as he poped out from nowhere.

" James you scared me "Amber said as she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry" he said as he scratch his hair.
"Not only both of us will help you but all of our friends and even mom and dad and also don't forget Hugo" As he said the word 'Hugo' he smirked at me. While Amber nodded.

"Well it's getting quite late now, good night Sofia" Amber said.

"Night Sof" James said.

"Good Night!" I said as the smiled and close up the door.

And then I just drove off to sleep.

I LOVE YOU TILL NOW--HUGFIA FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now