Chapter 30

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(A/N: Before this story start I'm gonna introduced Stella and Gabby)
(Stella, she's the princess of Camille. She has a long wavy blonde hair that shines brightly under the sun with sparkling green eyes whenever you look in it. She's smart as Coraline, and has a great  taste in fashion)
(Gabby, as know as Gabs. She's the princess of Gaurdania. She has a long wavy hair like Stella but in brown with blonde highlights. She has sky-crystal blue eyes that shines beautifully. She's great at sports like Sofia, she does many sports like hockey, flying derby and more)
Sofia's POV
"Soooo what do you guys do during your free time?" Breeze asked while still looking and James eating.

"Uhh, I usually spend time with some animals" I said.

"Animals?" Lola asked "Are you an animal lover?"

"Haha yea" I said

"Wow that mean you have a lot of animals at home" she said

"Haha I guess"

"What about you Amber?" Lola asked

"Polish my tiara" she said while touching the tiara on her head

Lola giggled a little and asked "So how many tiaras do you have now?"

"Almost two hundred, maybe a hundred and eighty?" she said while trying to think.

"That's a lot" Lola said in shock

"Well I don't think that's much though" Amber said while laughing a bit

"What about you James?" Breeze asked

"Uh me?" he said while looking up


"Well maybe do something that's not boring?" he said

"Same! " Breeze giggled

"No y-" Lola was trying to say something until Breeze covered her mouth.

"Umm what are you doing to her?" Amber asked

"Oh.. Nothing" Breeze smiled as she remove her hand away from Lola's face. "I just saw som- OUCHHHH!"

Everyone laid their eyes on Breeze as she scream

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Breeze said angrily at Lola

"Girls what are you two doing?" Queen Liliana said furiously.

"She step on my foot on purpose ! " Breeze complain.

"I don't belive that Lola would step on your foot without a reason" Queen Liliana said. "Lola what happen?"

"Breeze was being totally mean" Lola said

"Breeze, your grounded after dinner" King Joshua said.

"What?!" She said angrily.

(A/N: I'm gonna explain why did Breeze got grounded so easily. When Lola and Breeze were young, Breeze bullied Lola most of the time until now. The king and Queen of Damaias knew that Breeze like to pick on her sister, that is why when Lola said Breeze was being mean or she was doing something bad, their parents will know it right away. Lola is a honest child even though she lie sometimes but those lies are just some small lies.)

Breeze stood up angrily and left the room.

"I'm so sorry for the situation that happen" King Joshua said.

"No no you ldon't need to be sorry" Mom said with a smile.

"Yup don't be it's not your fault" Dad said

King Joshua slightly nodded and we continue eating like nothing happen.
After dinner dad and King Joshua were talking in a room while the rest of us are in the living room chit chating. After that, dad and King Joshua finished talking. We head back to Enchancia and called it a night.

Next day
Afternoon (After school)
I went to change into my ice skating outfit in the changing room. After changing I grab my skates and head to the rink. While I was putting on my skates someone tap on my shoulder. I then turned my head up to look at the person.

"Hey Sofia" Hugo said.

"U-uh hey Hugo" I said with shock and emotions started running through my body "W-what are y-you doing h-here" I said while looking at him trying not to shread a tear

"Oh you don't know?" Hugo look at me "Today we're combining our classes"

"O-oh yeah, sound great" I said awkwardly.

"Aren't you happy that your best friend is here skating with you?"

Yeah.. Just best friend.... We were actually a couple once but then that's now in the past.... Oh... I wish I could wake you up from that spell...

"Umm Sofia, are you ok?" Hugo asked as he wave his hand in front of my face.

"Uh yea, I'm alright" I said while trying to be fine.

"Oh ok, I'm gonna find Khole to practice now" he said and turned around with a wave.

"Wait!" I shouted. "You're my-" I stopped

Right... I'm not his partner anymore...

"What were you going to say just now?" Hugo asked.

"Oh nothing, forget it" I said laughing awkwardly

"Oh ok" he said and then he turned away "Bye"


Hugo's POV
Whenever I talk with Sofia, I do feel some connection between us. It seem like its near but then far away at the same time. Why is this happening?

"Hugo!" a voice shouted.

I turned and face the person that who called out to me.

"Hey Khole" I said with a smile

She run towards me and gave me a hug.

"I miss you" she said with a cute smile.

"I miss you too" I said to her

She then make a cute small laugh and burried her face into my chest.

The feeling with Khole... I don't really feel a connection between us. It's like it's force out by something. But whenever she's here my mind started running around but there's just no love connection between us. What's going on now? What's happening to me?

I LOVE YOU TILL NOW--HUGFIA FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now