Chapter 12

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Next day
Sofia's POV
I sat up on my bed looking out at the window day dreaming. I stood up and do my morning routine. After I am done, I went down stairs to have breakfast and then just go off to school as the usual.

After we arrive at school we haven't seen our friend, so we just went straight to class. After class I went to lunch. I saw the girls sitting on our usual table,and I walk up to them.

"Hey" I said as I placed my tray on the table.

"Hey" Cass said.

We talk about the usual like Cora and Liz crushes. Until Cass asked me something.

"So, Sofia how was your day yesterday?" Cass asked.

"Yeaaa, I heard you went to CSS where your fiancé at" Cora said while smirking at me.

"Did anything happen between you two??" Liz asked while looking at me in the eyes with a cheeky smiled.

"Ummm, yea. Something did happen but its not the type you guys are thinking right now" I said as I scoop up the pudding with my spoon.

"Huh, so what happen?" Liz asked curiously.

"Umm the story is quite long, so just change the subject. Heh." I said as I make a awkward laugh.

"Aww come on we wanna hear the story" Cora pleaded.

"Uhh... Umm, it's very complicated. Heh" I said as I put my hand on my neck.

"What Sofia is trying to say is that she been attack by one of Hugo's crazy fan." Amber said as she put her spoon of pudding in her mouth.

"...." the girls look at me in shock.

"What? You been attack by a crazy fan of his?" Lizzy said in shock

"Heh, that happen yesterday during lunch" I said as I put an awkward laugh again.

"Doesn't that girl knew your his fiancée or something?" Cora said annoyed about Khole actions.

"I remember something" I said as my eyes widend. The girls look at me with questions marks on their head.

"When that situation happen that girl called Hugo 'Hugo-boo' or is it 'Hugo-bear'." I said as I run my hand through my hair. "I'm soooo confuse when she said that. Are they dating or something?"

"I am disgusted" Cora said with a disgust face.

"Same" Amber agreed.

"So when the thing happen the main point is, did Hugo stand up for you?" Cass said with a serious tone.

"Uhh, yea he did stand up for me when the situation is happening. And he did took me to the ifrimary too" I said.

"So he likes you" Cass said. "You don't have to think about that girl calling him some disgusting names" she said. "Cause she's just a crazy fan"

"Your right she just a crazy fan" I said trying to stop thinking about her calling him weird names. Even though I still want to know what is she to him before. And also about her comingto 'attack' me again.

Then we stop this conversation and started a new one.

After school we went home. I walked up to my room to rest for awhile before getting ready for the ball. We invited every kingdom on this earth. Well I guess Khole family are invited too.... I hope I don't bump into her later or letting her notices me somewhere. I went downstairs to the kitchen to pick up a mini snack. Everyone was busy walking around preparing the final touch of decorations. And the chefs in the kitchen are busy cooking. The place in there was a bit messy with a bit I mean a lot of mess. I grab a few biscuits and ate them. After I am done I went back to get ready. I put on my dress and I went to Amber's room since she want to get ready together.
We do our hairs together. That hair treatment was longgg,it took hours. But at least my hair is softer and it smells so nice. Amber decide to put her hair down and so did I.

I LOVE YOU TILL NOW--HUGFIA FANFICDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora