Rudra watched her getting inside the house, he waited for the lights to go on before starting his car.

Richa couldn't believe what she had done .....

She was dreaming that Rudra was going away......... far away from her. She was running behind him calling him again and again, begging him to stay, to not leave her alone. But he didn't stop.
suddenly he turned his head back and smiled at her.....

'I m not far from you Sona, I m there, just look closely you will find me near you '

He said and walked away.

She started running fast, following him in the dark when she heard his voice again

' It's ok Richa, it was just a nightmare. Don't worry I am here, you are not alone Sona, I m right here......Shhhhh...... "

When she opened her eyes she felt as if Rudra was there with her, she hugged him tightly, afraid that he will leave her alone again.
But..... but soon she realized that it was Rishi whom she was hugging not Rudra.

She hugged someone else......
Other than Rudra......
But why it doesn't feel wrong.....
Why she felt comferted and content when Rishi was stroking and patting her back......
Is she falling for Rishi.......

NO...... Nooooo.......

It's not possible..... She loves Rudra and only Rudra. He is her life and life partner too.

Few days later

Richa was working on her computer in the library. Today, she was in a very depressed mood. Her eyes were tearing up every few minutes but she didn't let them fall, because She didn't wanted to be weak.

There was a tapping sound on her desk. she looked up and there was Rishi, smiling Charmingly at her.
Her eyes teared up again and she couldn't hold back her tears this time. she didn't know why she felt so vulnerable after seeing him in front of her. Why every barrier broke out so easily when he was close.
She stood up from her chair and dashed towards the washroom. She closed the door behind her back and kneel down on the floor, leaning her back on the closed door. Today is her Mother's death anniversary. Today is the day when she was left all alone in this cruel world, 3 years ago. and today she is all alone again because Rudra is not here with her anymore.

She didn't wanted to meet Rishi today, specially not after what has happened few days ago in his car. But when she looked into his eyes she felt as if she was waiting for him unknowingly.
She wanted to hold him again and pore out all her pain building up in her heart for so long. She was afraid of her own feelings. She wanted to remind her heart that feeling like this with Rishi, she is betraying Rudra. But her heart is not ready to believe it, her mind was telling her that it wasn't wrong to feel better with a friend.

A Friend......

Was Rishi just a friend to her......

She was so worn out from the battle inside her heart and soul.

She collected herself and stood up, she washed her face and walked out.
Rishi was waiting for her there.
Her steps faltered upon seeing him there, but she regain her composure and smiled timidly at him.

"I m sorry, something got into my eyes"

"Oh,are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I m fine "

Richa replied and walked to her desk.
Richa sat there and Rishi sat down in front of her.

"My boss apologized again and invited me at his house for a dinner "

"Okay, I think, you should go "

"I don't want to, I m going to cancel it on the last minute as him also"

"It not right to hold grudges like that"

"I know, but he wasted all our efforts and hardwork that day"

"It's ok, but it wasn't intentional "

"Hmmmmm.... "

"just go"

"OK, but just because you are asking me to "

Richa just smiled and started to work back on her computer.
Rishi remain seated and got busy playing with his phone.

After some time, when Rishi didn't show any signs of getting up from his seat, Richa asked him

"Rishi don't you have to get back to your office, it's way past the lunch break"

"No, I took a half day today "

"For...?? "

"Wasn't feeling good today, just wanted to distract myself so I came here. What's better than a good book and a good friend to lift up your mood, han.. "

Richa didn't reply, just gave a smile and got back to her work.

Soon it was time to close the library.
Richa got up from her seat and asked priya to check all the entries for today then she walked out of the library, Rishi was walking just behind her.

"Bye Rishi, see you later "

"Hey wait, I will drop you on my way "

"its ok, I will manage don't worry "

"I know you can mannage, but I m free today and just wanted to spend some time with my friend, don't know why but I don't want to be alone today"

Richa didn't say anything after that. Together they walked towards the parking and got into the car.
Richa was silently looking outside, lost in her thoughts.
Surprisingly Rishi was quite too today.
Richa came out of her thoughts when she felt that the car was not moving anymore. She looked around and got surprised hugely, because they were outside of an Orphanage.
She looked at Rishi and raised her brow in question......

" I wanted to visit here for quite some time but didn't get the chance, don't know why but today I felt like coming here with you, I hope you are ok with that "


Richa replied back but her mind was so confused.... Because from last three years she is coming to orphanage on the day of her Mother's death anniversary.
It was Rudra's idea to spend this day like that, distributing sweets, clothes and toys among the kids. He told her that she will feel better after helping others who are in need of it and she will definitely feel content with these kids who are left all alone in this big vast world. and he was right she always felt happy with the kids in orphanage.

She wanted to come today too but couldn't find the strength in her, because this year she was alone herself, she couldn't find the will power to chase away the loneliness of others.

But Rishi again did that, what Rudra would have done for her if he was awake, if he was by her side......

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