✨ Stress✨

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Class 1-A was left helpless in america. They weren't able to stay at the cabins any longer, it became a crime scene. 2 dead bodies 1 dirt body and blood everywhere. They were escorted to get their stuff despite the Nomu rampaging everywhere.

Suddenly the Nomu were just warped out, Midoryia's instructions. It was only the start...

The next day they were taken to the airport, it was a very silent drive. No one wanted to talk. Eventually they made it to the airport and got on their new ordered plane.

A 6 hour flight later and they're back in Japan where nobody knew what was going on except that somehow AFO wasn't in prison anymore...

They returned to the UA dormitories and sat silently in their rooms. They didn't feel like talking after what Midoryia did. They also weren't used to seeing such a battered and bloodied body. Poor Eri was traumatized like she wasn't most of her life...

Aziawa got his quirk back after Eri rewound him. Aziawa went into Principal Nezu's office with a grim expression.

"What's wrong Aziawa?" Nezu asked. ".....do you understand why we had to cut our trip short?" Aziawa asked. "An accident with the heros was all I was informed with" Nezu replied. "...this is going to be hard for you to take but... Midoryia killed the heros, joined the league, and attacked Los Angeles" Aziawa sighed. Nezu's usual cheerful expression became very grim and sad...

"How?" Nezu asked. "It turns out he was on the leagues side ever since he got his memories back..." Aziawa said sitting down to drink coffee. "Hmm this is very bad..." Nezu groaned. Aziawa wore an expression of, 'you don't say'

"I will have to take full consequence, after all it is my fault I allowed him into the school." Nezu said as he pulled out his phone.

"But what are we even going to do? He has an extremely powerful and dangerous quirk, knows how to fight, and knows our quirks inside out. How do we even catch him this time?" Aziawa asked. "We'll have to try" Nezu sighed. "We'll die in the process" Aziawa groaned. "Did you die yesterday?" Nezu asked. "No..." Aziawa replied. "He was fully capable of doing so correct. He even kill the other 2 right?" Nezu asked. "Yes" Aziawa replied. "Hmmmm, then I doubt he's going to kill you, if anything something about this feels forced. Like Midoryia doesn't want this, like he only joined the league so they wouldn't attack you all" Nezu said. "No your heavily mistaken. He did that because he wanted us to feel the pain, he enjoys inflicting pain on others. Besides I heard what he said to Dabi.

He told them not to kill us but leave us heavily injured he doesn't care about us" Aziawa said getting frustrated. "Hmmmm, you may be right about that. We'll launch a police/hero investigation to catch and figure out his intentions" Nezu said.

"How exactly will this work?" Aziawa asked. "Well he enjoys to kill people like you said right? We'll have 1 person pretend to be a normal civilian when they'll actually be an officer. With that officer will be a disguised pro hero who watches from the distance. When Midoryia is about to kill them we shoot him with tranquilizer darts. We then take him into custody, we win" Nezu explained. "That might work but what's the chance Midoryia goes after this person in particular and what if he detects the hero?" Aziawa asked.

"We'll make the person look like all might, remember how he wanted to kill all might. If he has that chance he'll take it." Nezu replied. "Hmm it might work. We'll try it" Aziawa said.


"Please don't do this! I thought you joined UA!" A man pleaded in a dark alley way. Midoryia chuckled sinisterly as he made a blood whip protrude out of his back. "UA? I was never truly apart of that place. You'll be my first victim establishing my return in Japan" Midoryia laughed as he stabbed through the person's head. Blood splattered everywhere and Midoryia spelled out the word Kyōki, it reminded him of his past making him happy.

He then zipped off and away to go kill more people.


All might was standing outside of Nezu's office as he heard what Aziawa said. He felt as if he was just stabbed in the gut...

His successor of a power of hope and justice.... Is a blood thirsty villain....

"I have made a grave mistake...." All might thought to himself as he walked off. He was literally shaking. The power of one for all is vast and strong... He gave that to a villain. Now that villain is going to be strong...

All might pulled out his phone and texted Midoryia.

"Please tell me what they said was a lie" all might texted. "What did they say?" Midoryia asked. "They said you joined the league again and killed off 3 heros... Tell me they're lying" all might pleaded through text. Midoryia verbally laughed. "It's true~ all might. Or should I say, Yagi Toshinori. You aren't any might anymore" Midoryia replied. All might dropped his phone and fell to the ground in shock.

"No no no no..this can't be true, it's just a night mare I'll wake up soon..." All might thought to himself. "You good?" Aziawa asked as he walked by. "No.... I heard what young Midoryia did..." All might said. "Were you close? I never saw you with him" Aziawa asked. "I trained him to be stronger than I could've been..." All might said regretfully. "Crap" Aziawa muttered under his breath.

"What are we going to do?" Asked all might. "Nezu came up with a bit of a risky plan. But it looks like it'll work" Aziawa replied. "I'll help, it's my fault that he's this strong to begin with" all might said. "Fine, but be aware. It's risky" Aziawa said.

"I don't care. He's this strong because of me" all might said. "Okay then. Tomorrow. You better be prepared" Aziawa said walking away.


"No wonder Midoryia packed all of his stuff.... He had this planned down to even the little things" kirishima said. "You all have to STOP sulking over the dang Deku." Bakugo spat internally he was just as hurt as everyone else but he didn't show it. "Bakugo Is right we have to catch him and put him in jail" Todoroki said. "But he was able to beat all of us single handledly how will we catch him if this time he doesn't care if we die or not..." Mineta said. "We gotta do something" Bakugo hissed.

"You will not do anything. Leave this to the pros" Aziawa spat. "But-" Bakugo was cut off. "Leave. It. To. The. Pros" Aziawa said again. Bakugo muttered under his breath and used his phone.


"So what are we going to do now?" Asked a Dabi using his phone. He and Midoryia were chilling in the cabin. "We'll in order to take over japan you have to make a feared name for yourself. People still believe pros will be able to protect them from me so until that's not a belief we just keep killing people. People all know Kyōki as the murderer guy that Endeavor and Bakugo took down. Until they see me as the most fearful person in Japan we don't do anything other then kill" Midoryia replied.

"Makes sense. So just killing sprees until people fear us?" Dabi asked. "Yeah" Midoryia replied. "Nice." Dabi sighed.

"So when do you plan to go kill some more people?" Dabi asked. "Well I already went on a killing spree an hour ago but I plan to go on another one at night. Maybe 11:30 to 12:00am." Midoryia replied. "I might tag along then" Dabi said. "Great, I was just about to offer" Midoryia chuckled.


"Hello, I need you to start a police investigation on Kyōki Izuku Midoryia."

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