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Midoryia packed up his good outfits and hair dye. He'd need it for the big reveal. Midoryia figured he wouldn't be able to smuggle weapons with him along the plane and would just ask Kurogiri to bring weapons, so he left his weapons under his bed to recollect after the big reveal is over since they won't be staying in America forever. Midoryia packed up a majority of his clothes and only left the shirts he didn't like too much, chances are he wouldn't be able to collect all of them again when he reveals himself.

Packing up everything took quite the while. He finished at 4:40pm after starting at 12:09pm. He had everything he'd need. A bit too prepared if you will.

Kirishima knocked at his door after Midoryia was well done finished packing. His suit cases were besides his bed as well. "Come in" Midoryia said. Kirishima came walking in and noticed how all the suit cases. "What are you packing for a war?!" Kirishima exclaimed. "I may have overdone the packing." Midoryia chuckled covering up what he's planning. "That's going to be a pain to unpack when you come back you know" kirishima said. "It'll be worth it when I'm well enough prepared for what were doing in america" Midoryia replied. "Anyways the class is taking a trip to the mall to go get some things for the trip with Aziawa. Wanna come?" Kirishima asked. "I mean I think I'm more than enough prepared but I'll come anyways" Midoryia said. "Yeah most of the class fell asleep and woke up realizing how many things we really need" kirishima added.

"They're gonna be tired walking through the store" Midoryia laughed. "We probably will, I'm surprised you aren't but you are Midoryia after all" kirishima said. "What time are we going?" Midoryia asked. "In about 15 minutes when everyone is ready I guess" kirishima replied. "Alright I'll be down in a minute go down stairs I'll meet you there" Midoryia said. Kirishima then left, leaving Midoryia's door open...

Midoryia closed it using a blood whip and went to his baggage. He had packed some money he stole when he killed that person going to the leagues base. It was quite a lot. 10,000 yen(104ish dollars USD). He grabbed it and stuffed it into his pockets and went downstairs where half the class was already ready. It was a bit of a cold say that day so they were in some winter clothes.

"Alright class. We're going to a mall just so you guys can buy what you NEED don't waste your time on something pointless." Aziawa said. With that the class was now walking down the street in a big group headed towards the mall. Cold breezes stung at their eyes leaving them tear filled, until the warm air of the mall welcomed them in with a warm grasp.

"What would I need?" Midoryia thought to himself as he looked around. "I need some better shoes!" Hagakure chirped. "I need a book of random objects and how they're constructed so I can make them" momo replied. "That's specifically random" Jirou chuckled. "I think it's this way!" Uruaka shouted. "Isn't uruaka like, broke? What is she going to pay with?" Midoryia thought to himself. "America is pretty cold during this time of the year like us. We should buy some warm manly clothes!" Kirishima said. "Yeah!" Kaminari said.

The 2 were following Bakugo giving him a headache. "Hmm. What equipment would I need for this plan of mine. A walkie talkie would be useful if my phone were to ever die. Binoculars would also help. I can make projectile weapons out of my blood and wind as well as make knives with blood so I'm not too worried about that. Hmm what else. My "hero" costume about to become villain costume is pretty good and stealth as it is. I think I'm set" Midoryia thought to himself.

"Are you going to go buy anything?" Asked Aziawa. The class had already left leaving Aziawa with Midoryia. "Oh sorry, I was thinking about what do buy. I'll go now" Midoryia replied leaving Immediately. Midoryia scanned the store looking for where they sold types of things like that. He came across a hunting store with those items and entered. Immediately the cashier hid behind his counter and the other customers there began to exit. "It seems things haven't changed" Midoryia sighed. He was internally happy but couldn't seem like it.

He found the binoculars and the walkie-talkies and went up the the shuddering cashier. "I-i-is t-that a-all you n-need sir?" The cashier choked out. "Calm down. If I wanted to kill someone you'd already be dead. Anyways, I've changed now so you better be ready to see me on the news for a good thing that happened." Midoryia said putting the binoculars and walkie-talkies on the desk. "O-okay" the cashier sighed. He rung up the items. "Total 5000 yen" he said. Midoryia paid up leaving him with only 5000 more yen to use. He took the items and left.

"That was half the amount I had! Dang" Midoryia thought to himself.
After that Midoryia just hung out waiting for the class to come back, he didn't need anything else. Soon the rest of the class came and they returned back to the dorms.

"So what did you buy midobro?" Kirishima asked. "Walkie-talkies and binoculars" Midoryia replied. "Why only those 2?" Kirishima asked. "I have everything else I need" Midoryia laughed. "Haha right" kirishima laughed.

The class had no idea who Midoryia truly was but they did notice somethings that were always off. Though they never put the pieces together...

Things like Midoryia's sudden mood swing,how he can be so intimidating,how strong he is, how one day he looks like a ray of sun light and can look like a blood thirsty murder the next.

They ignored it because it was never important to them, Midoryia had gone through the lie detector test and had been proven to be a "good" person so it doesn't matter right?

Oh how they were painfully mistaken.

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