Secret weapons

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"Alright give me some time before you come"  Dabi replied.

"Great now I just wait for Dabi to give me the okay and I'll come get my weapons back. I should figure out a good hiding spot" Midoryia thought to himself.  Midoryia then looked around his room for a while. The only good hiding spot he found was in his clothes since no one goes through his closet.

"Hmm. I can shove it in the corner of my closet and put clothes and a suitcase on top of it. People will just think it's another clothes box and not suspect any weapons. But I'll be making it hard to get... What if I put it in my bedframe? Under my mattress. That works even better!" Midoryia thought to himself.

It was already 9:00pm. The sun was fully set. Midoryia continued to sit on his bed using his phone until there was a knock at his door. He used his whip to open it, being too lazy to get out of bed.

It was Todoroki at the door. "What do you need?" Midoryia asked. "The boys are asking me to get you. We're planning on playing a little bit" Todoroki replied. "Oh alright, give me a minute" Midoryia said. Todoroki then closed the door and left.

"Hmmmm. I wonder what game we're about to play. Maybe something I'm good at?"Midoryia thought to himself as he got up and stretched. He brought his phone and went downstairs. When he went downstairs he found half the boys, Kaminari, Todoroki,Bakugo, kirishima, and Tokoyami waiting. "Took you long enough Deku" Bakugo spat. "Tch yeah yeah, what are we playing?" Midoryia asked. "A series of games." Kaminari replied.

They then proceeded to game for hours on end. Midoryia was one of the best in there, despite not playing any of the games before. His analysis skills helped him with mostly everything.

He then got a text from Dabi, in the middle of them playing...
It was 11:30pm.

"Who's that?" Kaminari asked. He was sitting next to Midoryia. "My mom. She wants to talk to me really quick, I had texted her earlier. After I talk to her I'll be going to sleep so sorry to cut off our gaming so soon." Midoryia replied getting up. "Its fine! See you tomorrow man" kirishima replied. Midoryia waved everyone good bye and went upstairs to his room.

Midoryia chuckled to himself once he got into his room, the weapons are finally ready. Midoryia pulled out his phone to see what Dabi said.

"Hey the weapons are all ready and secured. Come pick them up" is what Dabi said. "Bro you almost got me caught, had to make up a lie on the spot. It seems like it worked luckily. I don't know how I'll get it but I'll figure something out" Midoryia replied. "Alright, I'll be waiting. How long you think your gonna take?" Dabi asked. "maybe 2 hours or less. When the boys are asleep at least" Midoryia replied. "Alright I'll be waiting" Dabi said ending the conversation.

Midoryia locked his door and used his phone for a bit until he heard everything went silent downstairs. Midoryia creeped downstairs, pretending to get water, and found no one was awake. They were all in their rooms, asleep possibly. Midoryia knew there were cameras around the dorm so he got a cup of water and went back to his room to not look suspicious. He then went to his room and got dressed.

This time he dyed his hair 2 colors. Half red half blue like the version of himself he saw in that dream regaining his memories. He put on a cap over it and a mask. He was unrecognizable.

He grabbed his phone and went to the balcony. He closed his balcony doors and climbed up to the roof with a blood rope, on an unnoticeable side.

He then went behind the building and jumped down, landing using a spike. He then cloaked himself in blood and ran off into the forest of UA. The cloak of blood gives him more stealth and speed. How? Because the blood in his feet pads the noises down and it's dark enough for him to hide in shadows, and speed because it keeps his joints lose and not so stiff.

Eventually he made it to town alleyways. He removed the blood cloak and began his walk to the cabin. As he was walking in the alleyways he noticed someone noticed him. The person had a gun and was attempting to shoot him.

"Well that isn't very smart of you" said Midoryia snatching his gun. The person panicked and tried to escape. "You know I hadn't had the thrill of killing someone in a while. I say your going to be my first victim" Midoryia chuckled as he grabbed the person back using a blood whip. "Please let me go" the person struggled. "Nah" Midoryia said wrapping the blood whip around his neck and chocking him.

There were a couple gasps for air and then nothing. The person died and wasn't coming back. Midoryia reabsorbed all his blood back and continued his journey, taking the gun the man had tried to use against him.

He left the body there since he didn't feel like cleaning up, there was no evidence able to point it to Midoryia so he was completely safe.

Eventually he made it to the cabin where he found Dabi pacing around the room. "Dang you took a while" Dabi complained. "Not my fault they decided to sleep late today" Midoryia sneered. "Heh whatever. In here is a box of weapons, it includes guns knives, mini axes,etc. Don't get caught" Dabi said handing him the box. "Guess what" Midoryia said as a smirk made its way to his face.

"What?" Dabi asked. "I finally got to kill someone again after months" Midoryia replied. "You didn't leave evidence right?" Dabi asked. "Nope, chocked them to death. Not my usual style but I can't risk getting caught" Midoryia replied. "Any plans for the reveal?" Dabi asked. "I actually do have a plan in mind but I need to perfect it. I'd say it'll be ready by the end of November but for now, I just need shigaraki to make Nomu. A lot of them" Midoryia replied. "I'll tell him that, I hope this plan of your is good" Dabi said. "Oh it's a golden plan as long as it goes as I want it to. I'll get going now. See ya" Midoryia replied.

Midoryia picked up the box of weapons and made his way back to the dorms. He used a blood whip for his hands to assist in carrying it back up to his room, from the outside. He had climbed up the walls to get to his balcony.

When he finally made it back into his room he turned on a little lamp and examined all the weapons. He closed the curtains as well, so no one close by would know.

In the box there were at least
5 guns
10 knives
5 concealable knives
3 hatchets
A throwing knife
A smoke bomb.

Midoryia lifted up his mattress from his frame revealing the perfect stashing place. He already had a thin plank of wood on top of the wooden beams supporting the bed for more support.

If anyone were to go under the bed they wouldn't be able to see the weapons above sperated by a thin sheet of wood. This thin sheet of wood would also prevent the weapons from falling through the wood support.

Midoryia lined his weapons up, they were all in a safe position. He then put his mattress back and put the box in his closet for storage.

He  shortly went to sleep it was 1:37am after all. He had class tomorrow too.

Breaking PointOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora