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Date: 23. Nov. 2020


I haven't prayed this kind of prayer for a while, this sincere and heart to heart prayer. Not because I don't like to pray for it, not because I'm scared but because I'm avoiding it because I know that whenever I pray for this kind of prayer, all my plans just crumble. And since I'm in a roller coaster of emotions and challenges lately I don't know if I have the strength to obey Your heart 100%.

But Lord, I know I have to pray for this, I know this is what you want. I may not always understand what will happen next after this prayer but please align my heart to Your heart. You know what's best for me, You know my beginning and end. That's is why I'm trusting You once again to guide and lead me to Your heart's desire, to Your plans for my life, once again.

And this is my prayer, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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