One Year Special: Fall In Love Again

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Cassandra touched the wooden desk and swiped two fingers across it, coating them with the dust that rules this part of the castle. She examined it carefully, almost as if she was investigating her mother's murder. Her eyes laid on a dusty paper left there, and as she was about to touch it, the sudden sound of a book falling from its place interrupted her. She didn't think much of it since such thing doesn't scare her, but curiosity rules over her actions. 

She made her way towards the shelves full of books that contained secrets she could never access as a kid. Not that her mother wanted to keep anything away from her, but she also didn't wish to overwhelm a child's mind with Ovrilon's issues. Gazing at the book on the floor for a moment, Cassandra wondered what caused it to fall, but without much thinking, she leaned down to pick it up. 

The book gave off a strange smell, and its cover didn't please her. There's nothing fancy or unique about its cover, but what it contains surprised her. She opened the book somewhere in the middle and was surprised by what she has found. It appeared to be a collection of spells and writings about magic, something that the late queen would keep away from Cassandra's father. 

Cass read the first page that caught her eyes and almost laughed at its title. "Fall in love again." She read it aloud, her voice filled with laughter. "What a strange spell." Her moonlike orbs roamed all over the page, only stopping at something that seemed like a poem. Cassandra doesn't have much experience with spells, so she carelessly read the poem in front of her. "With my heart open and mind ready, let me find love again with the one perfect for me." But nothing happened as the Queen expected. "Just as I thought. I don't even know how to read spells, and it probably requires some fancy candles." 

Without thinking, she put the book back in its rightful place and didn't even care about her mistake. As soon as her fingers separated from the cover, a strange feeling rushed through her, and suddenly, she felt tired. It must be a coincidence, nothing else. The ceremony and all the talk with her guests made Cassandra exhausted. But as she began to walk away, her eyes and body began to feel heavy, and she felt the need to sit down. Not caring about the dust and making her royal attire dirty, Cass took a seat in her mother's chair. Soon, her eyes closed, and she found herself falling asleep. She tried to resist it, but the feeling was too strong, almost as if it was magic. Before she could cry out for help, it was already too late.

It almost felt like she entered a deep sleep and woke up hours later, but when she opened her eyes, the sight in front of her made her heart tremble with fear. Cassandra wasn't in her mother's study anymore. In fact, she was in her room, all alone, but she couldn't hear the noise of the partygoers. Everything was silent, and even the sun was up. How strange. Someone must have found her and carried her here. But wait, she's not wearing her dress anymore. Perhaps Elsa managed to change her clothes, but she's surprised by how deeply she slept. It's strange because she didn't feel tired before her encounter with the book.

Whatever happened, she must get up and go one with her day. Her queenly duties await her, and she has a meeting this morning. She rose from her bed, half-awake still, and went to her closet for a change of clothes. When she opened it, she found pieces of clothing that she didn't even know she had or thought that she threw them away a few years ago—what a strange morning. 

She quickly changed into whatever seemed comfortable and elegant enough for a Queen's work, and then she made her way out of her bedroom. As Cassandra turned her head to the left and then to the right, she noticed a figure disappearing in the hallway. But something was unusual about the person. They looked and walked exactly like Cassandra's mother did, and their black hair flowed over their shoulder, just like Cassandra's. But Cass shook her head, thinking it must be a noble who stayed for the night. 

She began walking through the opposite side of the hallway as the stranger did and noticed a familiar face coming towards her. "Good morning, Zander!" She greeted her uncle with a big smile, who appeared quite worried.

"Good morning, kid. Where do you think you're going?" He asked, but she didn't understand why he would ask such question. "The Queen made it clear that she wants all of us to have breakfast together. You included." 

Cassandra didn't understand. What kind of queen is he talking about? Cass is the ruler of Ovrilon, so it seems absurd for someone else to expect things from her. "I don't get it, uncle. Who are you talking about?" She questioned, unsure about what's happening. 

Zander's laugh echoed through the hallway as Cass kept wondering. "Don't mess with me, Cassandra."

"I'm not messing with you." The young woman claimed. "I just don't know wha-"

Before she could continue, Zander cut her off to make her hurry. "Look, your mother and Anatoly are already waiting for us, and we don't want Zara to get angry."

"Wait! What?"


A/N: Well, I hope you liked it. I'm curious about what you think. I guess this was kinda unexpected, and you're probably wondering what happened. But you'll find out next time. Until then, take care!

My Dear Queen (Elsa X Female OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora