Run, Elsa!

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The guests already stormed the castle of Ovrilon, and the music is as loud as thunder. Cassandra can hear it, even though she's still in her room. She thought about wearing her manliest suit to shock the court, but with Elsa being here, it's probably not the best idea. So she went to the tailor to get herself a suit. Yes, a suit. The crown princess would never wear a dress, even if someone tried to force her. She thinks it doesn't look good on her, which is probably a lie, but no one dares to tell her what to wear. But tonight she must dress up well, to impress her beloved.

So she stood there in the aristocratic cutting lines of a great tailor, one who could take her slightly androgynous form and make her a figure of power, beauty and grace. Her suit is stretchy and soft, hiding her body rather than showing it off. It's supposed to function well if someone puts on a fight, which probably won't happen. She put her shoulder-length black hair in a loose ponytail that showed the features of her face.

Cassandra bit her bottom lip in anticipation, already excited to see Elsa in a beautiful dress that she probably never wore before. She put on her black suit with the line of the white collar above it. On her way to the party, she stopped by her private library to pick up a book. There's no way she'll be dealing with snobbish nobles just yet. Instead, she'll just sneak out and hide in her magical garden for a while and enjoy some time by herself. It's not like she wants to be all alone. She'd rather be with Elsa, and the blonde will probably know it.

As she decided to leave the library, she felt a tingling sensation in her head. Placing her hand on the doorknob, it only got worse. Her vision became dizzy, and everything went dark.

"Shhh..." I whispered into the guard's ear, as the crook of my arm hugged his neck tightly. "It's okay, don't fight it." He made a few gagging noises, and I felt disgusted by my actions, but I didn't stop. Eventually, all his muscles relaxed, and I let go of him. Then I turned my attention to the key attached to his belt - the key to my freedom. I picked it up slowly, careful not to make a noise. The other guard, also dressed in black fell asleep, just like the one I suffocated a moment ago.

One of my soldiers from the opposite cell looks at me with hope shining in his eyes as I turn the lock and open the entrance. I ignore the sharp pain in my legs, pick up a dagger from the dead guard and make my way towards the other. He suspects nothing as I slice his throat, blood dripping down his skin as he opened his eyes. Now I have more people looking at me behind the closed bars. The guard gags and soon falls onto the hard floor. Dead.

I see my soldiers smiling as I open every cell one by one. When I reach the last one, I see my friend laying on the cold floor. I get inside. The smell is horrible, it makes me puke, and I try to cover my nose and mouth with my weak hand. As I touch her body, she feels stiff and cold, and her flesh already began to rot. She's dead. I sigh to myself. We have no time for crying; I get out of the cell. The others thank me, but it's too soon to be grateful. "We need to escape. If we go that way..." I pointed towards the direction. "...we might be able to get out without drawing too much attention."

"I disagree. They'll follow us." A man said, holding his deformed arm against his body. We're all weak and injured, barely alive. How long we've been there? Weeks or months? Perhaps a year.

I sighed. I know that is not the best plan, but this is the one that gives us the most chance to survive. "Yes, but if we go the other way, we might run right into them. That's the only way out."

"Her Majesty is right." One of my female companions said. "They'll kill us all of we go the other way."

I nod, thanking her for agreeing with me. "If you see a weapon, just grab it. Try to stay as quiet as possible. If anyone sees a guard, tell the others. We'll kill each of them on the way." My people nodded. The silence made our blood cold as the air that crept through the windows of every cell.

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