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A/N: Henlo! I usually update the story once a week, but now your bean is about to get a driving licence, so I must spend my remaining strength and time with studying. I hope that's not a problem, but that doesn't mean I won't try to write as many times as I can.
Love y'all!

(Also, they do the diddly doo in this one, so smut warning!)


Stars light the sky like snowflakes in the night, yet appear still, like an old painting. The storm finally stopped, bringing peace upon the partying people and the land of Ovrilon. Cassandra brought Elsa back to the castle in her gentle arms and put the blonde down on her bed. They both needed some alone time to retire and think about what happened and what will happen. So Cassandra is now standing on her balcony, facing thousands of stars. She smiles to herself, feeling a cold breeze brush against her hair.

Sighing, she leaned against the stone railing and shook her head. This seemed absurd, how she let Rasia fool her. She spent quite a few years ruining the princess' life and now that she's gone, Cassandra feels less weight on her shoulders. But still, the black knights are lurking in the shadows, waiting for her next move, when they can finally strike and end her life.

She thought about stopping, letting the bad guys have her at their mercy. It would be so easy to just wait for them until they show up. Throwing her life away, she would surrender without hesitation. But now, she would do everything she can, fight until the last portion of breath leaves her scarred body. With Elsa by her side, she must live. Her death would break the Queen's heart, and she wouldn't dare to cause pain to her girlfriend like that.

What happened today angered her. Elsa almost paid with her life because of her foolish behaviour. She shall never let anything like that happen again, or else, she might go insane. Gritting her teeth together, she slammed her fist against the railing. It was all her fault. When she saw Elsa laying on the ground with Rasia's sword against her throat, she couldn't believe her eyes. The person she considered her friend betrayed her, manipulated her with dirty games for God knows how long. A few years ago, she wouldn't have known what to do in this situation. Today, Cassandra pulled the trigger and took Rasia's life. A person who wants to kill her lover is not her friend.

Cassandra jumped a little when slender arms sneaked around her waist, a soft, refreshing touch caressing her through her clothes. "Hello there, Snowflake." She said with a smile, when the blonde pressed her body close against hers, pulling her into her embrace. The world seemed to melt around the women for once as moon radiated its silver light at them.

"Hi. What are you doing out here?" The arms that held her were soft, slender, yet surprisingly strong. The feel of Elsa's body so close to her soothed Cass more than she had expected. Her stomach fluttered at the feeling of the blonde pressed against her, and despite Elsa's cold touch, the princess only feels warmth. She let herself relax in her lover's arms, while the Queen enjoyed the small flex of her muscles and the comforting heat radiating from her body.

"Just...thinking." She whispered softly, enjoying her lover's sweet attention. The way Elsa's getting more affectionate with her is bringing an unusual warmth to her heart. "About all the stuff that happened today." Placing a hand on Elsa's, she affectionately stroked her smooth skin with her thumb. "I'm such a fool. Rasia was going behind my back the whole time, and I was too blind to notice it."

"Cass..." Elsa said, releasing her lover from her arms. Disappointed, Cass grunted a little and then turned around to face her Queen. "It was not your fault. She manipulated the both of us. But you, my dashing knight, stopped her just in time."

"Dashing knight, huh?" Cass asked with a giggle. The idea of protecting Elsa from any harm does sound tempting, guiding her onto the right path until the story ends. The villain dies, and the hero gets the girl. It sounds exactly like a romance novel.

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