Not alone

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Cassandra barely finished packing out her things in the castle of Arendelle, when it was time to attend a meeting with Elsa and her council. The crown princess never liked meetings and the fact that she has to find a reason to stay alone with Elsa troubled her even more. The queen seemed even colder than the Ovrilonian princess herself. But somehow, that made her feel less alone.

Anxiety beating in her chest, she turned the carved knob on the door, and when she stepped out of the guest room, the first thing she saw was a small snow thing giggling along the hallways. Cassandra couldn't quite believe her eyes. What the hell is that thing?

She took a step back into the room, picked up a small sculpture which seemed hard enough to fight with. The fucking guards took my dagger. Cass gently opened the door again, only her head peeking out, and her eyes widened when she saw the queen herself going towards the creature's direction. Her instincts started screaming like thousands of people at once, and she murmured fuck this under her breath before storming out of the room. Hooking an arm around Elsa's waist, she pulled her inside with a quick move.

"What are you-" The ice queen immediately recognised the princess, but failed to escape her firm grip. Her heart began racing faster when she felt the strange warmth of Cassandra's body presses tightly against hers.

"Listen my queen; I need you to stay quiet!" She let go of her slender body. "There's a...well, a thing wandering the halls! I'll get its attention, you sneak out and run for help!"

Elsa raised her eyebrows, a small laugh forcing itself out of her mouth. She must be talking about Olaf. "That..." She reached out for the princess's hand and gently took the sculpture, unusually warm fingers brushing against hers. "...won't be necessary." She gently placed the small statue on a nearby table, then reached for the doorknob. The door opened, just like Cassandra's mouth in shock. "Olaf!"

The creature turned around and gasped, running toward the two women on his small snow legs. "Hi, Elsa! What are you doing here?"

"I'm about to attend a meeting." She smiled warmly at him.

Olaf made a cute and excited sound when he first laid his eyes on the crown princess. He walked towards her and poked her leg with his arm. "And who is your big friend?"

Surprised by the sudden physical contact, she jumped a little. "H-hello little snow thingie, I'm Cassandra." She tried to smile, clearly embarrassed. Shit, you are awkward again!

"Hi, Cassandra! I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs!"

"T-that's great! I like them too...I guess." Cass blushed. I made a fool of myself. This little thing couldn't even hurt a fly.

He gasped again, expanding his arms and bouncing in excitement. "Does that mean I can hug you?"

"Umm..." Elsa looked at Cass, nodding in approval. "Yeah, I think you can."

"Yes!" He shouted. "Come here, you big softie!" Hesitatingly, the crown princess kneeled down in front of the snowman, and Olaf jumped into her arms, wrapping the two sticks around her neck. "Ohh, you are the warmest person I've ever hugged. I could just melt in your arms!" She has never been a touchy-feely person, but it felt so damn good to be hugged by someone...or something. It's been a while since someone was genuinely kind to her, which is sad, but also a great relief.

The princess looked up and found the blonde-haired beauty smiling at her. Soon, her smile faded. "I think we should go, Cassandra."

"Yes, of course. Sorry, Olaf." She gently pushed the snowman away; the warmth of her body still lingering on the creature as she stood up.

"Aww, but I liked hugging you."

"Don't worry. We can continue this later, little man."

"Would you like to join us tonight? It's Friday, games night."

The friendly gesture caught her off guard, but she managed to choke out a few words. "Umm, I don't think that's up for me to decide." She turned her gaze to Elsa.

Olaf kneeled in front of the queen and started begging, as his life depended on it. "Elsa, please, please, please!"

The blonde didn't like the idea of the warrior princess taking part in one of the most intimate activities of her family. She's still a stranger, a dangerous one to her. "You can join if you want."

"I'd love to." She smiled, a lighter shade of pink colouring her cheeks.


"So we'd get full military support from Ovrilon."

"Yes, whenever you need." Cassandra said, signing a paper.

"Hmm...that sounds promising."

"Shall we decide, then?" The council members all nodded in agreement at the ice queen's question. "Gentleman, raise your hand if you'd like Arendelle to become the ally of Ovrilon." Except for one or two people, everyone raised their hands. "Very well. Now, if there's nothing else, you're all free to go."

"Actually, there is." The room became silent as Cassandra raised her voice. "But I wish to speak to milady in private." She turned to Elsa. "It's a bit more...personal."

The young queen sighed. "Dismissed." She waited until everyone left the council chamber, then spoke again. "Well? I'm listening."

"Umm, yes, well..." The warrior took a deep breath. "The offer was not the only reason why I came here. We're more similar than you might think, my dear queen." Elsa raised an elegant eyebrow. "All my life, I've been searching for answers. I wanted to know why I am like this and why I am the only one like this. Then I found you, Queen Elsa."

"What are you talking about?" She whispered, completely confused.

"You still don't know?" Her lips curved into a bittersweet smile. "I'm talking about your powers. Believe it or not, I have something like them too."

"What?" Is she speaking the truth? Am I not the only one like this?

"Well, my powers are a bit more...destructive than yours. I can set almost anything on fire."

"Does that mean-" Elsa couldn't ask her question as Cassandra cut into her sentence.

"That I have fire powers?" She raised her right hand, and a small fireball appeared on the top of her palm. "More likely than you think, your majesty." The ball disappeared, and she put her hand back.

"But how?"

"Uhh, I could ask you the very same question. I have no idea why we're like this, and I was hoping you might know more than I do."

The Queen chuckled, but then her voice turned serious, and also a little bit sad. "Ohh, Cassandra. I wish I would know something. Anything."

"Can you control your powers at least?"

Elsa shook her head. "Not completely."

"There were times when everything I touched turned into ash." The smell of her burning childhood room still lingering at her nose; she let out a frustrated sigh. "But my mother taught me how to gain more control."

"Do you think she could teach me as well?"

"I-I wish she could." She bit her lower lip. "But unfortunately, my beloved mother passed away more than a decade ago."

Elsa felt like a fool for asking such a rude question. "I-I'm sorry. I should have known." She clenched her hands in embarrassment, trying to hold back her powers.

"It's okay." She tried to force a smile, but Elsa could see the pain behind it. She's more sensitive than I thought. "Besides, she taught me more than enough, so I could show you a few things if you are interested."

"I'd like that."

"I wanted to go for a walk in Arendelle and then do some crown princess things, so umm...maybe we could start tomorrow?"

"Of course."

She's not alone.

My Dear Queen (Elsa X Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now