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Hello. I know that this update might be a surprise but also a disappointment because there is no actual chapter. But I just wanted to say a few things here. 

I'm still alive, and I occasionally write. Not as much anymore because I'm adulting and stuff, but writing is still a part of my life, and I think it always will be. 

I'm genuinely surprised by how successful this story became. I remember 17-year-old me pacing in my room for hours, contemplating whether I should post this story or not. Then I decided to just do it, and I'm glad I did. But gayness is it flawed. The grammar sucks, and it really shows that it was written by someone who could barely speak a word in English at the time. I've gotten a bit better since, partly because of this story. 

A rewrite has crossed my mind multiple times. Who knows. Maybe someday. I just don't think that this story was written the way I would do it today, and I know that present-day me would do it a lot better. At least the grammar wouldn't suck that much.

One of my biggest regrets in life is not finishing this. Sure, the main story was completed pretty quickly after I began writing it (mainly because I was already a simp and used posting to interact with my now girlfriend. Yes, I met her because of this story. You might spot her in the comments). 

I don't think I'll ever come back and finish it, but hey, it was a damn good ride. I often feel ashamed of the stuff I wrote here because I've matured a lot since, and I'm no longer interested in Frozen (if Frozen 3 comes out, I'll be camping at the cinema to be among the first people to see it, tho). But it was good. And I also feel quite proud. Sometimes I look at the number of views and votes, and my eyes go wide in surprise. Like, damn, I know this story is ancient, but I didn't think it would be this popular. And the fact that people are still reading it is just wow. I don't think I'll ever stop being surprised by the fact that people like what I wrote. 

I'm 21 years old now, rotting at university and struggling through my days. But I still have writing. It's one of the very few things that still brings me joy. And this is the story that started everything. You changed my life. So, thank you. I'm forever grateful.

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