One Year Special: Fall In Love Again

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A/N: Well, hello there, and welcome back! I bet you weren't expecting this after so long. But well, the first chapter was published almost a year ago (on 30/11/2019), and I wanted to write something for this special occasion. It's not very important, I guess, but it feels so good to come back to this story. Ngl, this idea got me very excited. I plan on writing a few chapters, idk how many, but I hope you'll enjoy it. 


Joy and laughter filled the air across the lands of Ovrilon; its source was the capital, where a new queen has been crowned. The grand ballroom was filled with happiness as the Queen admired her guests. They are her children now, and they have always been. Her Majesty's eyes gazed at them adoringly, knowing that she has to take care of them as if she's their mother, with such care and love that makes the other rules envious of her nature. The sight of her people warmed her heart, but the amount of interaction she went through overwhelmed her timid heart. 

She yearned for an escape, to withdraw in her sanctuary, and take a calm breath away from her queenly duties. As much as she loves her people and enjoys witnessing their happiness, she's still human, and she requires privacy. It was almost funny to think about it, she chuckled. When she was a child, she often sneaked out of the ballroom to play or perhaps read a book far away from others. She enjoys the company of others, but people can be too much sometimes. 

And right now, it was exactly like that for Cassandra. She wished to slip away for a moment and recharge herself. Of course, others would notice that she's missing, but her family, and her lover, Elsa, knows her too well. They wouldn't worry since they're perfectly aware of her behavior, and her disappearance is more than expected. She just hopes the guests wouldn't mind since they're all here to celebrate her and a brand new era in Ovrilon's history. Her mother would be so proud of her. 

After a sigh left her lips, Cassandra gracefully rose from her seat. Her eyes gazed through the crowd and spotted her lover giggling with her sister and Olaf by their side, who became a quite interesting sight among the guests. But Cassandra can't blame them. Not everyone has the luck to interact with a walking, talking snowman every day, which is quite fun in her opinion. But as she looked at Elsa, a familiar warmth spread through her entire body, starting from her heart. Her lips curled up into a smile that could warm up even a cold place like Ovrilon only by the sight of her lover, her Elsa. 

They'll talk later when the revel is over, but now, she has to leave. Preferably, she'll come back as soon as possible, unless a group of drunken nobles decides to pull her away for a conversation that doesn't make any sense. That's more than likely to happen during such celebration. And as she walked the hallways, she came across many nobles who were far from sober, but she managed to avoid them as politely as she can. 

Her steps led her to the door of her mother's study, a place she never dared to visit for many years in fear of the late king's wrath. But he's dead, and she's safe from his claws and horrible plans. Even the thought of him makes her stomach twist with anger and disgust. How could such an awful being be her father? She can't believe they're related, but she's glad to be her mother's daughter. At least she's nothing like her cruel father, the man who ruined countless people's lives. 

But Cassandra is the rightful queen of Ovrilon now, and she'll try her best to make his mistakes right. It's a shame her father never listened to her when she only desired to help. But the past is in the past, and it's too late to whine about it now. New opportunities are coming under her rule, and this is all that matters. Her people's happiness and making things right are her main goals. 

She hesitated for a moment before her fingers grasped the door handle, and she entered the room. It's been so long since she was there, and a bunch of nostalgic memories rushed through her mind, filling her heart with emotions that she suppressed for so long. Cass can almost feel her mother's sweet presence in the room, nurturing and guiding her to come in further. She slowly walked to the desk, covered in papers and dust. No one has entered the room in years, and it definitely shows. 

My Dear Queen (Elsa X Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now