Chapter 21.

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"I still think Romelle is cute" Matt muttered with a slight blush as he held his wooden sword, the two holts and Lotor lazily practicing with each other while Zarkon spoke with Prince Kuro.

"Then why not man up and asked her out on a date" Lotor shot back, clashing his sword with Pidge.

"Becuase he such a chicken over it" Pidge answered with a teasing smirk, jumping back as her brother when to swing at her.

"Am not, Its just .. What if she doesn't feel the same and only act kindly to me becuase I was a lord under Altea guest. What if she hates me now she knows I'm from Daibazaal .. I don't want to walk away knowing she never liked me and instead hated me" Matt frowned, pain in his eyes while he blocked the attack from Lotor.

"But what if she fell in love with you as well, take a chance and speak with her. She might return with us if she loves you as much as you love her" Pidge shot back, blocking an attack from both of the males who teamed up for a single attack.

"I don't think she'll just return with us, not if I only now try making a move on her" Matt scoffed back making the other two roll their eyes on.

"At least try making a move on her, I did the same on Acxa who still waiting patiently for my return to Daibazaal" Lotor replied, in the middle of clashing swords with Pidge.

"When will you tell your father over falling in love with her, I mean you two are dating now and one would normally tell their parent by how quick your moving with her" Matt asked as he was in the middle of defending himself from his sister attacks. 

"I planned to tell him once we returned" Lotor admitted shyly before jumping back as the Holt siblings came slashing down their swords towards him.

"Oooh, he really loves her" Pidge teased with a goofy grin.

"Lotor and Acxa sitting in a tre" Matt started to sing before having to quickly step back to miss Lotor strike. 

"At least I was brave enough to speak my feelings to the one I love .. unlike the two of you" Lotor shot back as he placed a hand on his hip, lowing his sword while the two siblings blushed towards him.

"I um urr have reasons and I will speak with her .. you know what, I'll speak with her right now" Matt spoke back determined to tell the girl he loved how he felt.

"Aww, he all grown up" Pidge joked as she rested her wooden sword on her shoulder. 

"At least he trying to make a move, All I can say for your tries over love is just sad" Lotor sighed making Pidge glance away embarrassed.

"Who says I'm in love" Pidge pouted with rosy cheeks while Lotor and Matt shared a look before grinning as they noticed someone.

"My dear sister, how grateful I am for you to not wear a dress when training" Matt grinned cheekily as he and Lotor stood before her.

"Well yeah, fighting in a dress is har-what are you planning-ek" Pidge started to ramble before seeing the troublesome look on the males faces before they picked her up and threw her backwards. 

"Have fun, be back in time for when we leave" Lotor smirked before walking away with Matt as someone caught Pidge.

"Dropping in for a chat" Shiro joked slightly as he looked  to the young women in his arms.

"More like falling for you" Pidge smirked slightly before freezing up and turning bright red as she noticed what she just said.

"Um, I um meant .. well you know .. falling and urr yeah" Pidge nervously muttered back as a blush stayed on her cheeks, her hand waving around a little almost hitting Shiro if he wasn't use to her panicked hand movements. 

"Its fine, would you like me to place you down now" Shiro smiled, slightly amused since its been awhile since he saw her panic rants over something she felt embarrassed with.

"Yes please" Pidge muttered embarrassed and Shiro just smiled before placing her down with care. 

"Are you finished with your pratice for the day, if your not then maybe we could train a little together. It's been awhile since I fought with someone who could keep up with my sword movements" Shiro asked a little shyly, rubbing the back of his neck as he glanced away.

"I would love that, as much fun as it is to fight with my brothers. They still no match for me and when we mostly pratice while ranting or teasing. It be nice for a real pratice fight where I can't be careless unless I chose to lose" Pidge answered with a soft smile and Shiro gave a happy nod.

"I'll take extra care to keep you on your feet then" Shiro joked as they started to walk a bit more in the open area so they won't put anyone in risk if they were passing by.

"Don't make promises you might not be able to keep" Pidge teased back making the prince chuckle. 


Whelp, your not gonna love me for a bit.

I'll be putting this book on hold once more. I just came to a brain blur and not sure how to carry on with the book. I have an idea but getting the idea and writing it on the page is my issue right now. I'll try and not keep it on hold for to long this time and just try to think of how to do future chapters.

Sorry for this everyone.

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