Chapter 5.

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"So, your the new green knight .. looking good" Thace smiled proudly as he looked to Pidge who stood in front of the counter dressed fully in her armour, her sword in its sheath on her left hip and her cape clipped on neatly.

"Yeah, It feels like a huge strange dream. I mean, I never thought I'll become a knight let alone the green knight of the kingdom" Pidge muttered with a small smile still not fully sure if this was all real.

"You will make a perfect green knight, your skills are truly honourable and your heart knows love and hate, you will be a fair knight who will protect others from harm, helping them to live and grow during a great peace" Thace smiled with pride as he looked to the girl, she was like aa daughter to him even if he had to help trick the kingdom thinking she was a he. 

"Thank you Thace, I really am grateful you found me in that alley that night but are you sure your ok with me being a knight. I don't mind staying and helping at the shop, I enjoy working as a blacksmith and bringing swords back to life or creating a new one. The simple life not so bad" Pidge smiled unsure as she leaned on the counter looking at the man she grown to think of an uncle who might be a father in her next life.

"I will be fine alone, do not forget I do have my own son even if he still training else where. I'm happy you could finally become a knight, something we both know you wished to be but feared in case one learns of your gender. I'm cheering you on and I know the kingdom will be in good hands thanks to you and your friends. Go and be free in your new path to life, be the knight you always wanted to be" Thace smiled with care and tucked a lose stand behind her ear, she may have dressed as a boy but she was still a lady in his eyes.

"I will but do know once my sword becomes worn, I will be returning to fix it up here myself .. I may a knight but I'm still Pidge, the same girl I was when you found me" Pidge smiled sweetly and Thace nodded in agreement.

"Now go, I'm sure the others are waiting on you. Just know, this will be your home no mater what fate might beings" Thace smiled kindly and Pidge nodded before leaving.

Once she left she was going back to her patrol of the town letting the towns people meet the new green knight .. while some smiled over finding Pidge to be the new knight others didn't agree with such a small weakling boy being the new knight. 

Pidge didn't mind much, she knew not all would agree after all she didn't fully agree either over herself being a green knight over a normal knight but it was her duty now. A duty she was proud to have and she would carry the burden of being the green knight with pride. She was going to keep the peace and protect her new Kingdom, she was going to live as someone she could be happy to be.  

"Pidge" A gentle but voice called out and Pidge turned to see Shiro waving her/him over while he stood surrounded by a group of ladies some married but most very single. Poor shiro was stuck in the gasps of desperate women wishing to marry a knight for the good life and marrying the black knight would be even better in their eyes. 

"Ladies" Pidge smiled with care as she walked over, bowing her head slightly as some of the marries ones smiled back still seeing Pidge as nothing but the blacksmith little boy even if he just short for his age.

"We should head back to the castle, training starts in an hour and we must be the first to arrive" Shiro lied with a small smile, he just wanted to escape from the crown of women.

"Sure, we won't wish to damage the image of our kingdoms knights if we late. Excuse us ladies, I'm sure Shiro can come out to play another day" Pidge grinned, holding back a laugh as the women eyes lit up at shiro coming out to play another day. Pidge was so glad she wasn't like most girls when she got to see how some can act around a single knight but it was amusing to watch. 

"See you around" Shiro smiled kindly trying not be rude before stepping back and giving a slight bow.

"Lets go" Pidge grinned and started walking beside Shiro, giving a slight wave to the girls before they grew a big enough distance for Shiro to be free to talk his mind.

"I'm glad I can help but women can be truly a horrifying enemy when they wish to marry" Shiro sighed making Pidge laugh slightly.

"They just want the good life and well you are the single black knight. Marrying a man with your title would bring great honour to them, their families and your children. They will never have to fear much in life if joined to you, you must remember not much freedom is given to a women in this life. Marriage and children are all most will see women as useful for at least they know they be treated with care if married to you" Pidge replied with a slight smile remembering just how chained down women are against mens ways. 

"Yes, its truly unfair for a women in this life. I wish things weren't as gloomy as they were but I also wish they would just leave me be. I wish to find love not lust, is that so bad to ask for" Shiro frowned as he glanced to the sky.

"I think its great to think of love over lust, not many look for love just lust or honour. I hope you find love, I hope you find it and never let it go not even in death" Pidge smiled softly as she glanced to her fellow knight who turned to her surprised.

"I'm glad you became the new green knight and my roommate, I feel I can just be myself around you without fear of how a knight image should be kept. I'm also grateful you still believe in love over lust, now many would listen to my wish of a loving future and would just laugh at me" Shiro smiled gently and Pidge just nodded as her smile grew.

"Do you mind training with me as we return, I still feel a little restless over my studies" Pidge asked unsure as she glanced to the floor, she been the green knight for a week now but learning the knights code was harder then she had thoughts.

"Sure, I'm sure its a great stress learning all the knights codes and rules for this kingdom. Some, even I don't agree with but I'll be glad to train with you to help clear your mind" Shiro smiled and Pidge gave a thankful look.

"I just hope I'm not making a foul out of you and the others, I just fight and listen to my brain when I do it. I know its not a very knightly way to do things" Pidge sighed and Shiro shook his head.

"Don't feel too down, I mean just look at Keith, Lance and Hunk they not very knight like most of the time but they have their rank for a reason. Your way of thinking will help so much more then you'll ever know .. be proud of yourself" Shiro answered and Pidge looked to him surprised before nodding. 

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