Chapter 1.

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My name is Katie Holt, I was born in the Daibazaal Kingdom.

My parents are Lord Sam and Lady Colleen of the Holts. 

My dad Sam holt is a doctor but the royal doctor, he was the one to help Queeen Honerva give birth to Prince Lotor. 

My father started out as a normal doctor for the town and he saved King Zarkon before Zarkon was even King and the two became friends. 

Zarkon father gave my father the title of a lord and gave him a small mansion, It was named the Holts Mansion butu most knew it as the royal doctor mansion. 

My mum Collen Holt is just a faithful wife, she keeps the family pride while caring for the children into becoming honourable.  

You see it was a man world, a women only jobs was to be a wife and a mother, no women worked jobs unless they were disgraceful and the only jobs a women could get was as a whore, a bar maid or if she helped out in her family shop but only two of the three jobs you got paid for.

My mum gave birth to two children for her husband, their elders a son and their youngest a Daughter.

Matthew Holt, he is my older brother and well he rather cool in my eyes. He really smart and always smiles, seeing the best part to life while always trying explore life itself.

Katie Holt, that me the little sister who only duty is to marry a proud man who I would one day give children for. I would have to clean and cook for my family while standing with pride, seeming happy over being a slave to the males in my future family. 

Don't get me wrong, I wanted a family and I wouldn't mind looking after the house but I would also want to be seen as myself not as a women. I want to be respected and treated equal, I wish to marry for love just like my dad did. My dad promised that I could marry any man in the world as long as its for love, he would even help scare away rich lords sons just to help me find true love. 

I always dreamed of true love ...

I didn't have much luck for men since the only two I ever hanged out with was my brother and Prince Lotor since we spent most days in the castle. Zarkon and Sam wanted their children to become friends as well and so we did, we got use to each other and got along having a special bond. 

Lotor did not seem bothered that I may have dressed like a lady I never acted like one. He enjoyed me being as smart as he was and having sassy as I spoke. He knew a women should more power in their own life and well when I was with the prince then no one tried to control me.

But when I was seven, living a happy childhood .. a war broke out. 

The Daibazaal Kingdom Fell and Queen Honerva was killed along with my Parents.

Zarkon became a cruel and bitter man in war and his kingdom burned for it, no one was shown mercy and towns were left to fend for themselves while he sent more and more men of his kingdom to die in the war. Sickness and hunger killed most left in the kingdom

The Altea Kingdom was our enemy or so I thought, they showed mercy and left Daibazaal Kingdom alone .. sending food and medical supplies before King Zarkon forbid any more to enter his kingdom, death awaited those who used anything sent from Altea.

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