Chapter 20.

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"Shit ... oh shit ... oh shit, I'm late" Pidge cursed under her breath as she ran as fast as she could, her sword hitting the side of her leg as she ran. Her sweaty tunic and trousers sticking to her a little and showing her womanly shape since she wasn't binding anything as she was meant to be Katie now. 

Sliding rounder a corner before running into the rumoured meeting room that a long table with chairs already inside. Lotor and Matt turning to her in relief fearing she would miss the main important meeting .. it would be the first meeting between the three kingdoms.

"Didn't we agree train later and meeting first" Lotor huffed back as he lifted up a posh but simple burglary coloured dress. Long sleeves and would end at the floor, a mini turtle neck as well. 

"I lost track of time, sorry" Pidge huffed back, throwing her brown man boots off, letting them land in the corner beside the bag that Matt and Lotor carried with the dress and fancy shoes inside.

"Sword" Matt ordered while Lotor walked over with the dress that would slide over the boyish clothes she was wearing right now. It was the perfect cover since they had a feeling she would try training a little.

"Arms up" Lotor ordered as he threw the dress over her arms, helping her wiggle in once Matt held her belt and sword, stepping back to place them in the bag with her boots.

"Did uncle notice" Pidge asked with worry, stepping over and sliding her feet in the fancy shoes with a tiny square heel, Lotor doing the zip to the dress for her. 

"He hasn't arrived yet thankfully" Lotor answered with a thankfully look.

"Look down below" Matt called out before throwing the bag out the window, letting it fall into a bush under for them to pick up later. For now, it was important to hide up the evidence that Pidge was playing with her sword instead of greeting others.

"Hair" Pidge asked as she tilted her head a little before Lotor pulled out a brush from his pocket and started brushing her hair before putting it up in a slight bun thankful he carried a spare hairband after he tied his up today.

"Fan" Lotor called out making Matt pull out the ladies hand held fan and pass to his sister.

"Thanks guys" Pidge smiled sweetly as she stepped back once Lotor was done, dressed and looked as a real lady of a household. 

"No worries, just next time lets there not be a next time" Matt grinned and patted his sister cheek. 

"Or at least let us be the ones late for once" Lotor teased making Pidge giggle.

"So, did you do this a lot before becoming Pidge" Hunk nervously asked making the two siblings and Lotor freeze up since they forgot about the Garrison kingdom knights and prince's were already in the room waiting for Alfor, Zarkon and Allura.

"If my memory serves me right, Lord Matthew and Lady Katie would train together in secret with Prince Lotor help. So, I'm sure this isn't the first time they had to rush over and change" Kuro spoke up from where he already sat at the table.

"Please don't tell uncle or King Alfor and mostly please don't tell Allura ... I do not want to live threw that shipwreck again" Matt begged slightly as Pidge and Lotor shared an worried look.

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