Chapter 11.

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Side Note...

So, they all will be wearing black formal trousers with shining black suit boots that have neatly tied white lace. Pure White tunics with an orange bow tie. They have long tail coats, all the same deign but each knight with have  different colour. These are the tail coats they will be wearing..

 These are the tail coats they will be wearing

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"So, three of us can't dance and the other two can. How about James, he'll be joining us once he got the king safely to his room" Pidge mumbled with a hand on her hip, the five coloured knights standing in the throne room where they pratice dancing for the small ball tonight. 

"James can dance, his parents loved dancing and taught him how too and let him enjoy while he was a child. It might have been some years since he done real dancing but he still dances a little in our room if we can hear the music from her dorms" Keith answered with his arms crossed over his stomach and Pidge gave a small nod.

"So, at least me and James can dance and we just need to teach you four" Shiro sighed as he rubbed his neck a little.

"Three, I can dance" Pidge corrected as she turned to Shiro who stood beside her.

"YOU CAN" Lance yelled in complete shock since Pidge disliked humans so much and yet she knew how to dance with them without a sword.

"You mean formal dancing not the strange thing Lance dose after a victory fight .. right" Hunk asked uneasy as he looked to Pidge who rolled her eyes.

"Shiro, mind dancing with me .. we can swap roles. I'll start at the girl and then end as the boy" Pidge asked as she turned her head to Shiro who nodded.

"Sure, I might not be the best girl partner but I'll try my best" Shiro smiled and offered his hand to her that she gladly took.

"Don't we need music" Hunk asked with a small smile.

"Not while we practicing, trying to move the beat while your learning will only give you pressure on your shoulders. First learn the dance then lead it to the beat of the music" Shiro explained as he and Pidge stood away from the others getting in a dancing position.

"What should we do apart from laugh at the height difference and Shiro having to act as the girl later on" Lance asked with a goofy grin while Pidge sent a slight glare towards him.

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