Chapter 17.

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Back to the Morning Pidge left....

"Any luck" Hunk asked with slight hope as Keith and Lance came walking into the library, Shiro, James and Prince Kuro already sitting inside after failing to find her in the areas they looked.

"Thace hasn't seen her since yesterday morning. She came and visited him, helping clean up some swords since it was her day off before she headed back to the castle when she noticed letter, apparently its from an old friend and he forgot to hand it over straight away. So, two hours the most she spent there meaning she went to Hunk not longer after to bake the cakes. Lance and me ended up in our timeline after Hunk and then Shiro you'll the last person she saw" Keith sighed as he ran a hand threw his hair, sitting down at one of the free chairs around a rectangle table within the library for others to sit at.

"I walked around town, asking anyone if Pidge patrolled around yet but no one seen us since she headed back to the castle with me yesterday. Not even the guards in the castle saw her leave in the night" Lance frowned, crossing his arms as he sat down catching his breath a little.

"I asked any knights if they seen her and checked the basic areas around the castle but no signs of her. She truly left the castle it seems but do you guys know if Thace had a cupcake left behind like we did" James replied from where he stood by a bookshelf, looking to the others.

"Seems so, He woke up and it was on the counter within the shop. He found it as he opened up today but that not all she left, it seems her binder the more safer one Antok found for her was also left there. Thace found it on the counter as well, wherever Pidge is she left as a female for sure not hiding her gender this time" Keith spoke up, looking to James with concern in his eyes since they couldn't just search for her while using the name Pidge since it blow her cover if she did return. 

"Pidge wouldn't have just left, she must have had a reason" Hunk frowned, trying to think of anything strange over Pidge. 

"Well she didn't tell anyone about it but anyone wonder why she used cupcakes as her leaving gift instead of a note" Lance asked, rubbed his neck a little.

"They my mothers recipe, my mother use to make them for me and my brothers when I was a child and it was my favourite treat in the world. Before she died, she passed the recipe to me hopes I could make them whenever I missed her but I never had the heart too, I feared they wouldn't take like her own. But Pidge knew, if I ever left I would make them as my goodbye note since I wouldn't just leave without a reason" Shiro spoke up weakly, a frown on his lips from where he stood leaning on the wall beside the window, his arms crossed and his head hanging low.

"Then that a clue itself" James answered as he looked to Keith who nodded.

"She left a clue, a goodbye note that proves she had a real reason to leave without saying a word. She hasn't left because she grew to dislike this but she had to do something important to her" Keith mumbled as he rubbed his chin a little trying to think of any other clues she may have left.

"Two dresses, Pidge brought two dresses with me yesterday. One she wore for Shiro and the other she was going to have as spare .. it was simple but nice, like a working girl dress that would be used daily" Lance added as he thought about their short time yesterday together.

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