Chapter 9.

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A single deep breath, breathing in and out..

A single breath before her grip tighten on the wooden handle and her foot moved without a sound, it was almost like she flew in the wind as the breeze went past. 

Her eyes closed before slowly opening as they locked on her targets who had no choice but to jump back knowing it be too late to use their swords to dodge. 

Her hair flattering down as she twisted her feet into helping her stop, a small dust cloud forming behind her boots as she lowered his head, her hair now covering her face and eyes showing no one the expression she was making.

She knew she needed to hold back, be the knight not the killer but her greatest allies stood before her ready to fight. 

They knew it was now or never and so she made it now. 

Wooden swords crashing together, echoing the training garden with loud ear shivering thuds as breaths was kept stable and in control with each movement. Lotor and Matt working as one to handle Pidge attacks, no words or glances given just full on trust and years of training in the body taking over for control. 

But even with deadly skill, 

Katie was made into a weapon while the boys trained to be one, a difference that would change the ending of the match. 

Her food sliding round as she dodged an attack from her blooded brother, Lotor yelping as he fell forward not seeing her leg swirling round and kicking the back. He tried forcing his sword towards her but she her already moved, Matt own sword crashing before where she once stood trapped before a falling knight and a forceful attack by the other. 


Fill the air as Matt almost strike lotor instead of his sister, pushing his sword to the side by a mere centimetre and barely missing his adopted brother throat. But a mere second of reaction was all she needed to take them both, poking her sword into Matt back earning his death strike to be called out before pushing his body to land on Lotor earning the other to drop his sword at the sudden extra weight on him.

"Surrender" Pidge smirked as she held her wooden sword to Lotor throat, standing before him and making him painfully look up to her at the unconfutable angle he laid in. 

"Urg, Surrender" Lotor grumbled and Pidge grinned before hopping back.

"You both fight well, got me to sweat more then I would have liked" Pidge smiled sweetly as she leaned the sword to her leg before holding out both hands to the two to help them up.

"Thanks and your very skilled yourself, your kingdom lucky to have you" Matt smiled warmly as he took one of her hands allowing her to help him up first.

"Next time, we much rather take on the blue knight but it was an honour to lose to you" Lotor smiled with care, taking her hand once Matt stood and allowing the help to be pulled up. 

"If you don't mind Prince Lotor and Lord Matt, I must return to my fellow knights and cool down. You really do hold up a fighter" Pidge smiled softly giving a small head bow before walking over to the other coloured knights who stood in pure shock and amazement.

"Are you sure you go all out when fighting me becuase with those skills you should out rank mine" Shiro muttered impressed as he looked to Pidge who gave a small laugh.

"I'm not as skilled in fighting as It looks but thank you" Pidge smiled as she placed her wooden sword in the bucket.

"Yikes Pidge, that was one hell of a show. Are you sure your not the devil truly" Keith replied with a slight smirk and Pidge playfully rolled her eyes.

"I'm just a mere human sadly and I thinks its time for the last match. If you don't mind training with me tomorrow instead Shiro" Pidge replied with a small smile as looked to Shiro.

"Of course, our match can wait till tomorrow" Shiro smiled and Pidge gave a thankful look.

"Well come on Hunk, time to show off too" Lance smiled brightly as he smacked the yellow knight arm before stepping on to the map while Lotor and Matt walked back to the kings and Allura.

"Please don't go crazy" Hunk replied with worry as he stepped onto the map, holding up his sword as Lance did the same. 

"You got this" Pidge smiled as she threw a fist in the air. 

"Who are you talking about" Lance asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Both" Keith answered with a shrug.

"Oh and when I ask why can't two people win as equals you all give me that look but when you do it, its fine" Hunk huffed back as he got into a fighting stance.

"A single blow will be the winner" Shiro smiled as he lifted his arm before thrashing it down and letting the match begin.

The match started and ended with Lance winning, Shiro glancing to Sven who nodded his head for pratice to end making the knights bow before turning around and stretching a little and heading over to the armour. 

"Need a hand" Keith asked as he glanced to Pidge who was fiddling with part of her arm armour, struggling with the small strap yet again.

"I will just melt this strap in place one day" Pidge grumbled in frustration.

"Just give me a sec, I'm almost done with my thigh strap and then I can help you" Lance smiled kindly as he was bent over while he did his strap.

"Here" Shiro smiled as he walked over, lifting her arm a little before doing the two tiny straps to keep the armour in place for her. 

"Thanks" Pidge smiled slightly embarrassed as she glanced to Shiro who just smile.

"You'll get use to it soon, you do it most mornings remember and I'm sure soon you will be able to do it every time without fail" Shiro smiled with care and Pidge gave a thankful look.

"Plus we all pro knights I guess and we still struggle with the armour now and then, just this morning Lance couldn't get his shoulder clip to work for him and fell over the chair" Hunk replied with a friendly smile while Lance frowned.

"Really dude, did you have to bring up my own fail. Why not use your own" Lance sulked like a child and stood up as he finally got his thigh strap done.

"Becuase I fail a lot but armour and cooking is the only thing I can do well without fails" Hunk answered like a real adult making the others laugh at Lance defeated face. 

"Lets just get out swords on" Keith spoke up as he picked up his sword sheath and everyone else doing the same. 

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