Chapter Three

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hey guys, this is chapter three! sorry I haven't uploaded in a while :x oh and you know for the previous chapter? I skipped the 'test' Kakashi gave for Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura cause honestly it's super long :( but well just FYI all of them passed the test, which was for them to work together as a team :) basically haha. so Zeri meets them after they had the test ^^


Zeri's POV

"This is Sasuke, I'm at Point B."

"Sakura here, I'm at Point C!"

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm at Point A, believe it!"

I hear rustling, before Kakashi replies. "Zeri? Are you in position?"

"No," I reply honestly, my legs crossed as I sat on the ground, the tree behind me. There was no way in heck that I was going to do this.

Kakashi mumbles incoherently under his breath, acknowledging the rest. "You were a little slow there, Naruto. Now, Team"

There was more rustling, as Kakashi shouted into the mic. "Our target has moved! Follow it!" I watched with dark amusement as my team not-so-discreetly moved through the trees. This assignment we were given wasn't even a mission, I thought, scoffing. And there was no way I was going to tail some missing cat. I'm sure it had a reason for running away in the first place.

I felt a nudge at my side, and turned my head to see a brown cat with a red ribbon on its right ear. "Why hello there, little kitty," I stroked its head, causing it to purr. "Where'd you come from?" It meows, rubbing it's head against my hand. I pick it up and set it on my lap, brushing its fur softly. It was pretty safe to say that I preferred animals to humans any day.

"Target found! It's five meters away from...Zeri?" The three of them hop out of a tree, and I raise my head, still stroking the cat's head. Kakashi leans forward to look at the cat, before nodding in agreement. "That's Tora alright. Good job, Team Seven. Mission accomplished." To my annoyance, Naruto grabs the cat out of my lap, choking it in a vice-like grip.

The cat yowls and claws at Naruto's face, causing him to shriek and let go. It walks over to me, rubbing its head on my leg. I stand up, picking it up and cradling it in my arms as it purrs in content. Sasuke and Kakashi talk about the mission, while Sakura screams at Naruto's idiocy. I sigh tiredly, and the cat looks up at me.

"You're so lucky; you don't have to endure this at all," I tell it enviously, and it swipes at my hand with its paws and growls as if to say, "You haven't seen anything yet!"

A fat lady grabs the cat out of my arms, rubbing it against her face as the cat yowls in agony. We watch on solemnly as she cries out about how much she missed him, and Naruto laughs. "Hah! Stupid cat had it coming!" Sakura elbows him in the ribs, scolding him. My lips tilt up slightly at the cat's 'Save Me!' expression. I give it a little wave of sympathy before turning to follow my squad.

We report back to the Hokage, who approves our mission and informs us of all the other 'missions' we- I mean, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura- would be doing. "Listen, old man! I wanna go on a real mission! Not some little kid crap!" Naruto yells, and Iruka slams his fist on the table, blabbering about how we were too inexperienced for Genin. I grin slightly. If only he knew...

Sakura and Sasuke clearly agree with Naruto, and I do too. Not that I would admit it. All the missions they had been doing were useless. The Hokage chuckles as Naruto goes on about how he wasn't a brat anymore, and that he wanted a real ninja mission. He leans back, looking at all of us. "Hm? Looks like Naruto wants to prove he's not a little brat anymore. Since you want to prove you're a ninja, I'll give you a C-rank mission. You'll be bodyguards on a journey."

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