Chapter Twenty-Four

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wazzup everyone! i think some of you guys might be surprised by a part in this but it only gets better from here >:) hehe thanks for getting SS to 34k!!! holy ronaldo (it's a thing me and my brothers say HAHA ronaldo is amazing) enjoy the chapter! ^^ the photo is a picture i found that reminded me of zeri, hope you guys like it!! tq for reading (:

I swung my dangling legs from the table boredly, as Sasuke crosses his arms and holds back a yawn. We had been waiting for a few hours and in a while, they would be announcing the completion of the second exam. "Do you think the others made it?" Sakura asks worriedly. Naruto nods. "Yeah, believe it!" He says whole-heartedly, determination shining in his eyes. I scoff slightly, shaking my head. If they make it out in one piece, that is... they hardly managed to beat those three Sound Ninja in the forest. Who knows what else they'll come across.

"We didn't bump into Team Eight either..." Sakura frets. Team Eight, I wondered curiously. Wasn't that Hinata's team? With bug boy and.... I wrinkle my nose. Sakura giggles at the look on my face. "He's not that bad, Zeri!" She says, and I give her a Sasuke-style "Hn," in response, to which she and Naruto sweatdrop. There was this nagging feeling that I had met him before but I couldn't remember. I grumbled under my breath, earning an amused glance from Sasuke.

"Hey guys! You finally made it," a familiar voice calls out from the doorway. Naruto grins happily. "Hey Kiba, Shino, Hinata!" He yells, getting up and walking towards them.

Speaking of Team Eight, I thought wryly. Their team was in a better shape than mine, seeing how they didn't have any bruises or signs of fatigue. I nod when Hinata waves at me shyly, a blush on her cheeks.

Sasuke lets out a bored sigh, and I turn towards him with a similar expression. During the long wait, I'd say we had formed a bond of companiable silence as we just watched Naruto and Sakura go back and forth at each other. He smirks at this, his hand going up to ruffle my hair, and I nip at his fingers. He narrowly avoids it, still smirking as I scowl at him. Though I absolutely hated it when he ruffled my hair.

"And look who made it too," Kiba says, raising his eyebrows as he walks over to the table I'm sitting on. At this precise moment, Sasuke coincidentally decides to get off. "Have fun," he tells me, his smirk widening, and ducks as I fling one of the opened scrolls at him. I'll get him back for this, I think in annoyance.

Kiba comes to a stop in front of me, and the height of the table forces me to look up at him slightly. "Heh, so you made it out in one piece," he grins, his canine-like teeth visible. "Didn't I say I would?" I smirk lazily, and Akamaru suddenly barks, hopping off Kiba's head and onto my lap, which startles both of us. I let out a yelp as my arms come around Akamaru's body protectively, while Kiba reaches out to prevent Akamaru from falling.

Akamaru curls up on my lap comfortably, letting out a yawn. I can't help but smile at him, ruffling his white fur. I then look up, realising that Kiba's face was inches from mine, his arms circling my waist. Hearing his heart thumping wildly, I blink, confused. "Kiba?"

He blinks too, seeming to snap out of it. "Huh?" I cock my head in curiousity. "Are you okay?" A red hue appears on his cheeks and he ducks his head, groaning. The fur on his grey hood tickles my face, and I let out a small sneeze, the tense atmosphere melting away. He looks back up, grinning. "That was adorable." He tells me, and I send him a deadpanned look. "You're kidding right?" I scoff in disbelief, and he shakes his head, grin still on his face. "I'm completely serious."

"You must me out of your mind then," I replied bluntly, and he laughs, raising one of his arms in a gesture I came to recognise immediately. He pulls his fingers away just before my pointed teeth close around them, and I scowl at him. "Don't ruffle my hair," I threaten him darkly. "I've had enough of that from Sasuke already."

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