Chapter Twenty-Three

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hey guys! ^^ i'm finally back with another chapter which is so overdue i cannot even, but hope you guys like it. and omg can i just say how thrilled i am that silent shinobi has reached 30k?!?!??! like omg crazy but thank you so much for all your support im really so thankful :') it has definitely been one hectic year with a lot of ups and downs but i hope you guys made it through and came out well, or even better than i did :) enjoy the chapter!

Zeri's POV

My feet moved soundlessly across the grass of the forest floor as I hooked my hands behind my head. Kitzu strolled beside me calmly, whilst a streak of black fur shot past him into the distance.

"I'm beginning to think meeting him was a mistake," Kitzu muttered, and Ren came to a halt beside him almost instantly. "That isn't very nice," he admonished, "why would you regret meeting a fine specimen such as myself?" My lips twitched, seeing Kitzu's deadpanned expression.

"Ren, want to play?" I interrupted, saving Kitzu from further harassment. He exhaled in obvious relief as Ren turned to me curiously. "Chase?" He wondered, seeming to recall something. I nodded eagerly, and he shared my enthusiasm, bounding over to me. "I'll chase first," I announced as Ren stretched, flexing his claws.

"Let's see if you can catch this, Zeri darling," he purred, shaking out his midnight black fur. Kitzu scoffed, sitting back on his haunches as he watched us get ready. "I believe you haven't seen Zeri at her best yet," he retorted, and I glanced over at him curiously. "You haven't seen me at my best either," I pointed out, and he shrugged. "I thought it would be wise to warn him what he was really up against." A sly grin crept onto my face, and I winked at Kitzu when Ren wasn't looking.

Both Ren and I took our places, a few feet apart from one another. "You start when Ren does," Kitzu tells me, and I raise a brow. "You've played this before too?" I asked curiously, and he bared his teeth in a mysterious grin. Ren glanced over his shoulder and winked at me. "Now Zeri darling, watch very closely. One second and I'm here, and one second and I'm -" Ren's feet shifted the slightest inch, and I darted after him immediately, focusing intently on the outline of his dark fur while I kept up a steady pace behind him. A grin spread across my face as I watched Ren run through the trees. He really was the fastest I had seen, and he moved with such grace that it looked like he was simply breezing through the trees.

I pushed myself further, slowly but surely catching up to him. He didn't seem to notice me, but rather his eyes were alight with excitement and the thrill of his speed. As Ren turned to check if there was anyone tailing him, I dropped into the canopy below, maintaining my pace as he continued deeper into the forest. He smirked, his teeth glinting in the light when he couldn't seem to detect anyone tailing him. He slowed down, and I ran ahead, leaping upwards through a space in the trees and lightly tapping his head.

"Gotcha," I sang as the force of gravity pulled me back down. Ren turned, a shocked expression on his face as it sank in. I immediately started on the route back to where we initially started, sensing Ren still motionless behind me. If I reached Kitzu without getting caught by him again, I would win.

A low growl echoed through the air, and I smirked, picking up the pace. I could feel Ren beginning to react behind me, and although the distance between us was rather large, he could definitely catch up if he pushed himself hard enough. I formed a few handsigns, and a clone appeared beside me. The clone slowed down her pace for Ren to catch up, while I went ahead. 

I eventually reached the clearing, and Kitzu perked up when he noticed me, sending a smirk my way. "I never doubted you for a second," he said proudly, padding over to me as I flipped from the branch and landed silently on the grass. I shrugged, sitting beside him and stroking his fur while we both awaited Ren's arrival.

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